Orange County NC Website
74 LINUTES OS THE BOARD OS COH:SESIOIIEE29 08 ORANGE COUNTY <br />tSOND.AY.'r1.4RCfi-4th I9 a0 <br />The Board met at the usual hour Ares ant ,COmmi sa loneta,J Ed,Laws.B end Y731 son and Collier Hobb.Jr <br />he minutes of the Lebruary meeting were read and approved. <br />~OII mot ing,it is ordered that Lindsey Lee ,non holding a Yr ea License to Peddle Podu oe eto in Dur <br />am Ccvnty ,be granted a Yr.e license in Orange Covnty Yor one year, Yrom Herat 1st I940 <br />At the request of Etr H,IS L`clver,the Board moat heartily endorses the surfae ci ag n the Road Yrrn <br />tote Hi hwa$ No 54,at Bethlehem Cl;vrch to the River Bridge at Saxanahaw, The CIeTk to mail a <br />attar of endo':s ement to 7Sr }Solver tobe presented to the State Highway Board, <br />On notion it nshee eby ordered that License to tetail Heer at the Heart ailling Sea ti on is Carharo <br />',e gcaht ed evb,j sot to annt oval oY the Carbo ro Bo ard.ii cersa issued in the nameof Harry Denain - <br />n motion of Commissioner Cbb and unaai mcu sly na seed the State Highway Commission is urgently re- <br />ueated to takec ver and rain~in a short road leading from Chu rah street in Chaps H111 to The Or- <br />nge Training Schbal Building. <br />On motion it Ss ordered that the Petition to the State Hlghway Commi aei on to to a over oven <br />up andca iatain a read in Cheeks Township ,b eginniag at the home oY John Ltiller 'running to the <br />High Baa ck Road a distance of ap nroximate~y t~vo m11ea. <br />RESOLUTION <br />Oa motion of Commissioner 5711 son,duIy seocnded by Commi sei oner Cobb, and unanimov sly pass edit <br />is ordered that a House and lot in the Town oY Carboro,N.C„ adj of ping the lands oY Lester Lloyd <br />t al,on the East oY Lloyd Avenu e,c+hioh was aceuired by Orange County under a tax~deed in the year <br />I936 ,whi ch said property prior to that time listed in the namebf J,Ralph Lloyd, s life tenant, <br />ith Taft Hughes Lloyd minor hel r,be now sold and conveyed taTaft Hughes Lloyd,upon She paymeay <br />BY the sum of aI75,00this being the ameunt due Orange County,in the purchase oY aCd prop arty and <br />subs equ ant taxes 4 <br />Ordered that the C mnty pay tb zil toe Latta thz sum of 34,GO,YOS one hog kill ed by dogs said hog <br />be iag lis~ed Yor taxes for the year I940 <br />G.V! Hay County,submttted a detailed report oY all biJdget annronri ati one the ampunta us ad by each <br />aepartpent as oY Haroh Ist.2940.renort approved and ordered Yil ed. <br />Carl C Davis Orange Ceuaty-Tax coil ee tdr reported an uncollected Balance on I9 9 taxes as cf <br />Larch 1st I940.of347,442.69,report approved and order ed filed, <br />G,47 Ray County Accountant submitted a comnarltivas to tement 'or the years I929 to I939 inclusive <br />ehc::i ng all land sa:~ns and insolvents report anPYOVed and ordered Yiled, <br />RESOLUTIOL` <br />1Vhereas ,thin Bs and has with deer regret learned oY the death of Gyarge A,Hea ne,oP Ci:an el <br />Hill NorthCarolina who hoe so eYYi ci aptly served in the Law Enf crc ;went in Orange County for <br />a Er sot number of Yea rsS ldow th eraf ere, upon motion of Commissioner Cobb duly seconded by Com <br />ai ssioner V711 son,the following re sol9tion is unanimov$6y adopted, _.~ <br />P1 rst- that in the in the Death oY George A Hearhe,Orsnge County has lost the services o3 a <br />a .nARLES'e A1H) EBiICI~ PitBLIC SG~('iVA11T ,who by his fidelity to duty, and unsw erv n; Integrity, <br />pas done much to better law enforcement in tt:is Qaanty, <br />Second:-That whereas the untiaely deati~ df thz said George,A Bearne,oc tarred on he IBth day of <br />anuary,I940, and wher sae the duti ea e2'.~ouiy SheriYY of Orange Covnty '':.ere fulfilled end oarri ed <br />st buy other Offioers in eaSd C mnty ,, thout oharge to the said County, <br />Now the .eYore,it is or- <br />3ered that the salary of the said George A Hear kw for the month of Tanuary I940,be paid to <br />bis widow Lrs Eva Hearn „ <br />It 1s fub3er ordered that a copy of these res olnti on be Yo9rmared by the <br />C (ark to theS Hoard to his widow Hrs. EVa Hzarne,at Chanel Hill North Carol3 na <br />Hies °.yare Homo Demonstration 9gent submitted a~ detailed report ,:d th an expene ac ct.Ypx 3Sdee <br />oY .y5162 sad Cheri pal help of ',v'25;OO,r sport approved and accounts ordered paid <br />True County Audi tor,reports to the Hoard that all of Hil ~sboro Township Good Boa ds Bonds issued <br />by Hillsboro Torrnshio during the years oY2907-I908-I90 and Y9I0, in the amount qY $40.000,00 <br />having been su rr ands to the County and tiast payment tfierefor has been made, l~P ter a careful check <br />oY each of the said b nds by Cocmi ssioner Cobb ,b ei ng Bonds Noe I to 40 inolu siv7>having been s;m <br />rended'ed the Board Takes Great rl ea ,are in destroying the said bonds by burns a6ll <br />R7,T Ziattox,Orange County l7ulfare Sup$.made a Yull and com>l star snort of all oYl the weaYYare <br />work andmalang suoh suggests one as he felt and Bel ei ved would be net eseary, The vari oua eon <br />di tiona of all oY the `•Yelfare work was gone over is detail. and discussed by the entire 3oard, <br />There being no fdr?bh er Business on mat <br />adjovtned J,Ed,Laws , <br />Ck!ai roan <br />__ Collier Cohb.Jr <br />C ommissiorzr <br />Attest: <br />Ben,& "rrilson <br />Cammi ssioner <br />IOII <br />