<br />rd oP Commissioners
<br />The Bca rd ,-., t at the usual i-:our,present Ccmmi ss iorex s.S.yd,La;'+s, Cicm,Ben.Pi,
<br />5711 ern,an9 Jolliet Cebb,Jr, 'Tire mi: vtes aP the Jarvary ne et ing ".ere read an3
<br />C 3urt ,ecle red Parn '; gent submitted a d=tailed a rd it ~.t=txstefl. ^e?art ci
<br />h1s IS59 ~%+o rk,ame is highly con%e:~dsd anti ordered Pii ed ai th the nroner re-
<br />ports.
<br />l rdad ns ti tion to the State High~'+a;; Oommi=__sion,co:v;ect inE the Eland Cedar
<br />Grcve,and the Hall Lill rcad, le__=v irg the ~P1=_nd-Cedar Grcve road near nair-
<br />fie13 Church; thence tc the hall 1`ill road 2 dis ta::ce of aorproxiaately 9/IO c:
<br />a mSle,said petitior. ap pr cv sd and ordered stmt ID t`_e District Wngi Weer jai tii
<br />ilr.ent xe?oast that he 1LV99t3 gate 3t once,
<br />Gn motion of Commissioner Jobb.duly secondad by Commis ion ex ~~il son, all mem-
<br />ber. "oeing ;resent it is unan i}Lo usly agreed tha~"tax ss ttpenen$ accepted by
<br />G.';l Say, Grange County :~c couraant agai3st the So'r:n Hi7ey lahd ba and is
<br />Gn cation of Commi.aicn°?. Cabb ~ duly secerd ed Uy Commis: sinner '.Hlscn,its is
<br />ler eUy ordered that C iS.Lloyd under a 30 day sentence in t;e Ccnnty Jaii,by
<br />tY.e Chsu el Eill 'T o'an 3edsrder, Ue hired ovt tc Bruce 8trc;:d1`~.he Bald th.Cxty
<br />days at :he price of SIO.C G, ~
<br />Cn motion of Commiesi aver 1l;lsoniduly =_ec ended by Coca.l esioner Cab'.:,i~ is or
<br />d°r s.'. t a the bend c`_ G.d,3.ay,T_rv stee of the Hill cb cro T_o;:rdh i? -1o ad si tiring
<br />uhd be-i ng 7b:nd lvo-72„285281 ,si ~:red by the :~at icnal riot ety .i ~~ any ,'oe not re-
<br />neged., Po*' ti:e reason C*.at the dcti zs of said '_z cafe= i; av eync:~ bezn ccu_ol eta
<br />The C:haircan is au the ri zed and dird,NEed to ' cti Ey ti~tli lva icn3 Surety Canna
<br />ny, and tine Clark to this 3oard is :.^r eby order e? t., re;:der the sai3 nctice
<br />in the name c' this Beard
<br />m
<br />>.d as Byars, home .Demons nation ~.--srt l.avi ng been ir. ocident ancnot abls to re~
<br />ne rt in .Tanuaryaapp eared Usrcre tl:e Bosrd and made"a data it e~i report as tc -
<br />Tauuary a::d 3ebrva ry ,C usb i:a xi:et b'el es and all other acti viii es ,:~ithan es-
<br />bease account Pdr r_aterials o3}8.56, and >t er:cgcenhic AssiBtance o3 ':?i S.UL
<br />tenant a ?rc ved and accts,crderdfl paid.
<br />3,:i Joh rscr.,Crange C wnty 3i rii ng 3und Cemra ss loner,suUmi tt ed dc-tailed re pert:
<br />o: all Punds,and the in,es t_enta oP the same. Tile reports are herby ap}roved
<br />and orered :"il ed in tenant 3o ck i:o =.
<br />~, ,7i ,iisnlon.Clerk of Grange County Suoericr Cart ,submitted an an::us1 rzpo rt
<br />o: e71 Purds in his G_zi ca ',+i th a Eull eta emeat e3 ell inv es tnents.
<br />8 aid ten crt is hex sby a-g~_oved and order eS Piled in report Becl: '.10 ?•
<br />G.:. ,4ay G*_anee Jcunty .ice wnt art submitted a B;d _e;~.or± eE all an::ensia-
<br />ticne :"or each Dsaart~z ant r'i th the amcu:as teed Leach .:e?artr era =_s of =eby
<br />ist I9=0 ,re?art aprc-ed and c: de_sd tiled.
<br />Carl C,Javis Orange County Tax Col lect ar ,r eported a. to tal levy and renal ti eel
<br />Por I9s9,oE :ui 57,0 0 ,E ri th collections and rel eases to 3eby Ist I9~0 ,oE
<br />101,639.3I, leavinE an unecll acted tal ante o: =~e by is t.I E.:10 ci56 ,?0 i,0
<br />i
<br />J.B,i:c idams Curt, of the Orange County aoms reported t'rst t`_ers x:ere 25 in-
<br />cate-s 7 ~:1rites tad 8 colored end ghat all eere 'a ell cared Pcr during the ccld it
<br />;~ ea tine±'.
<br />:~ a.:ed oat it ion tc the 8t ste Hi gi'say Corvni elion Eroa ::haeks To~a-hshiu as:=.i ng
<br />tit th=_ Buck Earn- Ci;e =''s Cyga aing read be sur'_3ccs Ebr about 5~ miles, t. is
<br />bring a se*.c cl bcs rec cj~..:.nd also st icna=_eaUl e. chid 'n@tAtion is he=eby a?-
<br />orcved and crdesed sent'the Ji strict ~n„i Weer '%:ith reouest that it be inves ti_
<br />ra ed at once. ^
<br />A 3c::d uetition to tee dt;,t=_ Hight.ay Commission to e^•ri' a rcad :'ram dtate
<br />Eighc+ay 1*0 54,at the dilscn 3illing station acso ss to i:d x,~ans Cr2e'. Bridge
<br />on the old Chanel Hill,~il=i to Cross Ei gh`~~ay is i~sreUy ay uroved and ordered sent
<br />to ti3e his tricC -.=n_:i Weer -
<br />:i,=at7 o:c,Grengs County ~:7e L`.; r: 3v~_erint enfient _de a data it ed. re?art aE
<br />tl:e-G rage County 'n crl:,atating the ess.ct situation as it not. ap;e tits ;lsc - ~,
<br />ore se^ting acceptance and rejection centiE icat ey Por the ;n anth oP ~Sanutry ~~,
<br />of all anal scants Eor old age asaistane of In ai gent Children sup ;cr t.8 ~e
<br />is ire reby a.: ps oved
<br />Ci.iiTllliiuD :z.:.~ST '_'.luH
<br />