~ -
<br /> ~
<br />
<br />--i -- `a n" - „.i - ~
<br />3 ~,..~C"~uX't o~+~ 81 '-BYr refe t9e8
<br />the card e~ at e .~su 1 ;car r se t %c:.,.-..i;sicners,J .L~e.s,'clii ::cbv,Jr
<br />and ,en,F :~~t.:or. :he ~, iu*es o° .: Octcber meet;rg .,ere read aid ay _ved.
<br />~-, ~ _et'itionte the State i:i~h..ay ~c.~issicn tc sake oiler un^ i~_rove ~'r_e read 7 e;.i,ir_g
<br />tc DuifE :-e:~ori~.l .,._.rch is ?:ereby a;;~;rcved and c-dared seta to tine ~ivi:icn ~n-
<br />- ~ir_~e at c_.ce jai th urgent request to a v-~ t_ e same .: vestig~.ted at cnce
<br />Gn n:ction it is :...-eby erdered t'r_at .~ V Jer.es be ,aid ~~,OG fer cne boat :filled by
<br />dpgs t'ris ;,eing 1=-i:a v_luaticn of the said Gcai
<br />On :li •~tiCn it iS i:2rE'^uy 0~:::~e:l that T,11, '+'~i:l n8 be ?id i:'_'8E +~J11arS -Cr tY:r80
<br />:oats, killed by dogs iY:e sa~:e being list :or taxes at One dcllar each,
<br />Or,.er~ed t::at S.r Lcckh,~rt be paid T::elve and no/iOG" ~cllars for six _,.___;s ::fill. d
<br />by ers,
<br />._iss ~yars iscWe ~orstr~tion _~_ent sub. fitted u .::11 uetailed report of ail Octo:,er
<br />eti~ities, e:ith ~.-, ex~_•':se ac„_:f1t c, w2,6o fc_ ...utE,.ial .."nd .'31,0 for ~.t o ,~hic~
<br />s: ance ort ~ r:?cved ard'ac ;'ts , rder ~.na ied in the P 0 ..r lES,
<br />.ei.t snc; ed I
<br />i..e_~erracirg _.e„ert by Jce,1tT.'r.carrd As~star.:t ~.:-~a..ty ~~~YKX~ ......v..~_ ......_~Ea for i
<br />_'er~acing in Cctc'cer to be „-?5.25 ccllected .r667,4G, :ith f~gl and -a'rcr e.xpeses
<br />263.95, leavir_g a cash balance en 1-:ard of :40ci'.:;5 and urcol~lected bills fer 'ier-
<br />rac ~~ork of ;,"I,35.GO.~~epcrt a_~y,reved and ordered filed,
<br />i
<br />~,:9 _ =y scanty Accourt~.rt subuitted a w.:ailed report of ail - dbet - ~cp~r'~aicns I
<br />.ith '':.e ~r ants ~aed uy each Jepart:::ent as of -'over,ber Ist I939, e_ ort ar ;-.cued j
<br />.nd ed .riled ~^~ .o t Sc ~Y. A?o 4. I
<br />..r,~~,Fl ,..~t~cx, Oc,. t„ :~`el :ire o y.erintedent sub:~i±.ed r:_e=t of ire mincer cf _;~c;ole
<br />~~:e a ar assi~ ~ ~ d i:: the ~ort'r. tc be .I and the a~re~-;ate a:;.curt ::id to
<br />all _~.n~;"I37,OC e_~r.:gn~h
<br />.:,e f{ olloz.ir_g nvuas :.ere dravrn to serve u .. J_rers at the Decer:ber :ern cf Superior
<br />Jourt~I ,.':ich cerv.,nes Dec.l ltc to-~~it: j
<br />I--.y titer Brcr+n-•--------- -------L.-~-------I3--Johi:. ,i:.., _:c
<br />2-- 4ry 1.lcyd Sing I~--S,t3 O.-,ley O.r
<br />3-= Lloyd H.B I5--GeorEe P t:orner O.li
<br />4--~ ~es ~ ~+alters L,~3 Z6--ii,B i.:en L.3
<br />5__~, i' D:;,: eren i-T.B i7_-~,....in :Y Lanier .H ~
<br />u--~. '` I3i_gs ?.B Iffi--Ler+is T Tilley L.:
<br />--,,. ~r&es.~i ~:;ain L... I9-- ,JCO:er,JCrpton .G ~
<br />8-= lter D,s%allehite ~r.c 20-- gun L Miler L,~.
<br />--.1 rerce =i_pey ...8 2I--David E Syi.es(Deacessed ~ir,6
<br />IC1--li rry Sneed{ccl; L.Zi 22-=~". '~lliscn L,
<br />II-_dI. J "~ci~ee C,'.-i 43--::,~ Larrard 1~no I
<br />!2--J I ' ..rabtree .,,G 24--Ci1as D Berry ~.~
<br />I
<br />J. ',
<br />~I::cre cei r_c :.~~.:~~ bus,..ess en r:.ction adjourned,
<br />~ Lei y'
<br />-~ __- .~ y~ ..F ~.scn~ L~icr ~ci~a J_ ., ~sl
<br />