Orange County NC Website
State Historic Preservation Office <br />North Carolina Office of Archives and History <br />2007 HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND (HPF) GRANT APPLICATION FORM <br />~. PROJECT INFORMATION (Please type or print) <br />Name of Project: Hollow Rock Access Area/New Hope Preserve -Cultural & Archaeological Survey <br />Project Type: <br />X Archaeological Investigation ~ _ Restoration/rehabilitation* <br />Architectural survey _ Other (specify): <br />_ Survey publication manuscript <br />National Register (NR) nomination *Name of NR property: <br />_ Architectural/engineering study* <br />APPLICANT INFORMATION <br />Applicant (CLG or CLG commission, non-CLG local government, nonprofit organization, or <br />educational institution) <br />Name of applicant entity or organization: <br />Orange County. CLG (certification effective April 13 1993) <br />Applicant contact person: Christina R. Moon Title: Cultural Resources Specialist <br />Address: 306 F Revere Road. Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Telephone: (919) 969-8959 Fax: (919) 644-5531 <br />Applicant's Federal ID # 56-6000327 <br />Certified Local Government <br />If the applicant is a nonprofit or educational institution applying for a project in a Certified Local Government <br />(CLG) area, the applicant must submit the application through the CLG. The CLG will, in turn, submit the <br />application with review comments to the HPO. If the project is awarde_ d a CLG grant, the CLG will be the <br />• recipient of the grant and will administer the grant project. <br />Name of CLG: <br />CLG contact person: Title: <br />Address: <br />Telephone: Fax: E-mail: <br />CLG's Federal ID # <br />_ Attached are the CLG's review comments or the CLG's letter of support for this application. <br />Local Proiect Coordinator <br />Person who will be the project coordinator (for projects in CLG areas, the CLG staff): <br />Name: Christina R. Moon ICLG staffl Title: <br />Local govemment, local preservation commission, or other applicant entity: <br />Address: _ <br />Telephone: <br />Fax: <br />E-mail: <br />Local Matching Funds (non-federal) <br />Attach list if more than one donor. <br />Donor: Orange Countv <br />Source (e.g., general fund, private donations, foundation, etc): General Funds <br />Amount of cash: $6000.00 Amount of in-kind: Date Available: March 2007 <br />Equal Opportunity Statement <br />_ Attached is a completed "Equal Opportunity Statement" signed by the applicant, and the CLG if the <br />• applicant is applying through a CLG. <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />