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~ -a~-~ ~ <br />~~ <br />Geof Gledhill said that if the Board approves this plan tonight, then there will be minor <br />modifications to the agreement in the abstract to incorporate that. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />approve contracting with Speedway Management for the provision of Emergency Medico! <br />coverage to ensure public safety at public events at the Orange County Speedway and <br />authorize the Chair to sign upon review by the County Attorney. <br />Commissioner Nelson asked that the Manager report back to the Board an the 1596 <br />overage. <br />Laura Blackmon said that she will look at the agreements. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Approval of 2007 Goals <br />The Board considered reviewing and approving goal statements far 2©07. <br />Laura Blackmon said that this was an the agenda for last week's work session, but there <br />was not time to address it. She asked for any questions or comments. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 8, Lands Legacy Program, and said that <br />since there is a Lands Legacy action plan, there should be a sentence after "generations" that <br />says, "Specific projects will be identified in the Lands Legacy Action Plan adopted periodically <br />by the Board of County Commissioners." <br />Dave Stancil said that the staff pulled from the items in the action plan. Commissioner <br />Gordon said that a little redundancy would not hurt and she said to add it. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about numbers of acres and suggested referring to them <br />as "targets". <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he has a problem with the fair funding item since the <br />Board of County Commissioners has not adopted this. He said that this is being reproduced as <br />if the Board of County Commissioners adopted it and it has nat. <br />Laura Blackmon said tha# the staff was trying to capture things they had discussed <br />previously. She said that they could spend more time discussing this issue. The intent was to <br />take something that had been discussed before, never adopted before as specific goals, and <br />put them into this document. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like to see this summarized. He is not <br />opposed to the ideas. He suggested going back to the minutes in which the County <br />Commissioners talked about wanting to address this within the best of the capabilities given the <br />budget limitations. He would rather not list all of what the group (fair funding group) that is not <br />the Board of County Commissioners is suggesting to consider as fair funding. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the Economic Development goal and said that <br />the Board has talked about the incubator at the Breeze Farm, rural enterprise opportunities, and <br />one-stop permitting (1 a). He wants to make sure that these items are included. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if the Board of County Commissioners had adopted these <br />items and Laura Blackmon said that adoption of this document would be the adoption for the <br />Board. The staff was trying to refine, based upon the issues that were discussed at the retreat, <br />that these were the things that the Board wanted to focus an. The goal is to narrow the focus. <br />Commissioner Gordon agreed with adding the Breeze Farm incubator issue, but there <br />are a lot of issues with the rural enterprise opportunities, and some of them have to do with <br />siting heavy industrial uses near suburbanizing areas and in the rural buffer. She does not want <br />to put this in the goal. Commissioner Jacobs agreed with leaving it out and stated that this is <br />supposed to be a consensus document. <br />Chair Carey said that he agrees with the fair funding discussion that this was not an <br />adopted goal of the Board of County Commissioners. He thinks that this needs to be tweaked. <br />The other concern that he has is in the first goal statement, which is, "Target future Countywide <br />Ad Valorem property tax rate increases at amounts required to pay debt service for non- <br />