<br />~i T'J"_".~:5 Oi T=y BOARD OF CO:~ZSBICAT'y'3S,7aiClTBAY-LCT-2-1939
<br />The Boar3 met at the usual ?~-o~:r it=san.,oo:ar.issiorers J.F.d.ia%s,Collier Cobb,J~, and
<br />~en,F :+ilsar.. T'r<<° ~i:>tes of t'_-.° i2~te~ber meeting -.+ere read and avrcre~'..
<br />:~ 3oad petition fron ..iti~_:s .., Chapel Rill Townsh_,,+.o the Stets --:~-':lay Cp~ission,
<br />o .-,over and maintain acroa3 of a;rogimately I 4 miles. oe~ir ing the lreen~Dorrity i
<br />n
<br />ift~,, and running to the Oornti4a-il<s Rcad,T:;e same is ner~by a?_r~ved and ordered Bert
<br />to the district ~r.F:ir_cer, .A.Bur+.on. ~
<br />i
<br />A =•c-^.d p-tit:on from little :fiver Tc'~3nsr_ip to toss State nigh•:ray Com.:.issio< for ~. road
<br />~ of a ~proxi_ately one half m'.e from tie Taffierson :3oad,'dia the :'arms of :;lyde 3~erts 1,
<br />C,F ,C,ri Roberts and ot{.ers is i:2reby approved and arder~ saht to the ~istri~:: yn- ~
<br />_inaer,T,A.Burton.
<br />On accoun*_ of soma :~is~:ndersta:.ding about the taaces of t:--e late ;~ ~ Sparro•~+ ,upon
<br />the reccom:nendatian oY '==111iams Tax Collector far Carbo-ro,.7. ~on motion of j--
<br />Ccc:missioner c1i13.i~-g1s duly seconded by Commissioner Coto and unanimously pass e3,
<br />It i~ hereby ao e2d to 3ecept the of_ar of hr,Joe 3parrovl oY X75,00 in full se#--
<br />tlament of the same.
<br />'bliss Byars +.he home Demonstration Agert submitted a detailed repo#s¢ of ail activi-
<br />~i-,. fir. t% m.:.ti: .,: 3e .,:~b:_ the C«rb ,.~~;st .._„es,';~ith an expense acc_unt of~~s
<br />X2.54 for materials and?T_7,70 for Clerical assistance,B2_ort co:~erded .and a~~rov-
<br />ed and the accts,~orderdd paid, and report filed :v.ith the rroper_ .e_~orts,
<br />i
<br />-.-'.Ray '.:,.~nty -secountant submitted ar. itemized Bu^:get '-?er~ort :.Y>c~ino 31 bvi~°t a_-
<br />propriations for 1939-I9=~- and amouas used by each Hepartment as of Oct,Ist.
<br />I939. ~
<br />Jarl C.$aris Orange County lax Oo-_ecter submitted a report cf •5.970.?8, as
<br />unecllected ~~ Insolvent taxes from the I938 tax iiststi:e same is hereby accepted
<br />avb,ect to the Audit oY K:J,rarham,Auditor far Orange Cou.,t;,
<br />i
<br />C~ :tict_on of GG1i i2r C~bb,J ~-,ds3:~ saren~ad c.~ .:::m: .__._ ilsen and unanimously '~ _'
<br />passed it is rereby ordered that the Cra~ge County Tax Bcoks for the year I939,
<br />in tile *.Otal a...ou31t cY w•I56.552,85,be turned cva.r to :arl,C,~avis i;ranoe ~ aanty
<br />Tax Co~lectbr for eallecticr_,
<br />'~ .et~.._ .rcm .~rs ~.D-3dt°~ards in re- _~_<,eys _:--ia_ by ogs __ i~2re}~;; n21~ over;
<br />for further information and the Clerk to this board is erGered tm n2tify 11rs.
<br />~~. ~rrdS t0 have the aL'CO'«2':`.. p':t iL' ~TO^y -_ °•:iat:C.
<br />^n~sro :,ei~ nc i'lrther business oa mots on ad;,ournec, J,yd.Lakvs
<br />Chai_:.aan
<br />-er_,- iisor.
<br />.;o:cmissioner
<br />Attest: ~ j
<br />~! =0~ _er Cabb ,
<br />~~ .r'.Omffii ..-.. ~::er
<br />Secretar;; tc 3oa_rd
<br />