Minutes - 19760423
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19760423
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38~ <br />MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMM25SIONERS <br />April 23, 1976 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in special session <br />at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 23, 1976 in th'e.Superioz Courtroom of <br />the Orange County Courthouse in Hillsborough. <br />All members were present. <br />This meeting was called in order that the Board of Commissioners <br />might zeceive the report of the "E no River Task Farce" and review with <br />the members of that group the report filed by rZessrs. Lang, Barbour and - <br />Mrs. Andrews. _ <br />Chairman Garrett advised the audience of about .6D persons that from <br />the opening of the session until 9:00 p.m. discussion would be restricted <br />to the Board of County Commissioners and Task Force members only. At the <br />conclusion of this period, the floor would be opened to all who desired to <br />participate. <br />Chairman Garrett then called upon Honorable William Olive, Task <br />Force Chairman, to deliver the report of the Task Force. <br />After some introductory remarks.Mr. Olive delivered the: report <br />and the technical information gathered by the Task Force as well as the <br />minutes of the group to the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Olive spoke at <br />some length about what he perceived to be the significant issues dealt <br />with in the report and referred to the fact that other issues of similar <br />significance were recognized but not dealt' with because of the time <br />frame within which the Task Force must operate. <br />At the conclusion of Mr. Olive's remarks Chairman Garrett then <br />turned the floor over to Dr. David Lang a member of the Task Farce <br />who delivered a report prepared by Task Force members. Andrews, Barbour <br />and himself. Mr. Lang pointed out what he considered to be the basic <br />differences between the main committee report and the one filed by his <br />group. These differences he felt revolved around the preservation of <br />the Eno River area through Land use Controls, County participation in <br />park planning, the limitation of park lands to only desirable areas for <br />park purposes and the concept of no adversary condemnation proceedings. <br />At the conclusion of Dr. Lang's comments the Chairman recognized <br />Mr. Don Cox a committee member who stated he felt the County Commissioners <br />should read both reports very carefully and then draw their own con- <br />clusion about the issues. <br />Mrs. Nell Andrews inquired about the technical correctness ,of the <br />statement that the.Eno River Park area has been declared a fragile area <br />by the State Land Policy Council. <br />Chairman Garrett responded by saying the proposed State Land Policy <br />Act will enable areas to be declared "fragile" however the proposal has <br />not become law as yet so the statement is at least technically incorrect. <br />Commissioner Norman Gustaveson then offered a motion that Chairman <br />William Olive be offered a special vote of thanks from the Board of <br />Commissioners for the long hours of tedious work he had performed as <br />Chairman of the Eno River Task Force. <br />Commissioner Jan Pinney offered a 2nd. Votes: ayes 5, nays, 0. <br />Commissioner Norman Gustaveson offered a motion that the members of <br />the Eno River Task Force be given a special vote of thanks for the long <br />hours of work they have devoted to the difficult task they had been <br />assigned. <br />Commissioner Norman Walker offered a 2nd. Votes: ayes 5, nays 0. <br />Commissioner Norman Walker then asked the commissioners if they were <br />prepared to make a decision tonight concerning the report of the :Eno River <br />Task Force. He advised the Board of Commissioners he was ready and pre- <br />pared to vote on the reports. <br />Commissioner Norman Walker then moved the Board of Commissioners <br />endorse the document known as the Lang report. <br />
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