Orange County NC Website
~4 r+_ <br />,v~ <br />i~I_'~f.r..C Cs +_. :' BG~1RD Gs CG;.RI~~_Oi- a,~i;:~^~`: :"1:C-G3:-7t?: I939 <br />I e Bc rd et cl. v-.1 hc~r,~ e~t oI -ic c rs,J,.:d L s.Ber.,F,'c+'ilson and Col: i~ <br />:.ebc.3r e Ir.:tes cf o'-_e re al ~ .. aly eating '~e c erred .:.eating on Ju1:.6L., and ti:@ <br />,..fled _.c~_Izr on Ju', -7t~.,~.e:e a;.i read and y,saveu. <br />I <br />Gn r:. ti r. ii; _„ :Er<b;,* c_ Bred t.-at a ~efurd cf ~.CO 4s grs_:.ed to i:rs, ~~ :cer,an <br />cc_,.:.t cf <__-cr in l~,.tirg _.. ~::i::ale dag for taxes ir_ I938. <br />- G: ... ti r, it .. !:ere.y cr e_ed t`_::mot .--e L=.r~ ~r::i of G~r^:r!.;.~ 2r. ~..~r_d~a 3i= _:':c:,ed 1,: _ <br />um of ive 4:il.ars. as ~-~. itienal cost in ~re;~.ring Tax ~::1e reclcsures on estates, <br />~n.r:-eti n it i l~* or_.ered th^f. +-- suz. of ,:75.GG be transferre3 from the e_:erenay~ <br />y~~d:z:t or I9d9-I9~G,Jo ti=e ?e,>i~t°r`of Deeds 3ud~:_t c"..irg to an ad. iticnal cctit cf i <br />;'lS,GG ur repair cf bo_iis in the Baia C'_~iee, <br />On pct cn of .,cL.c..i~sianer ~cb::,duly sscc~;ded by 'iilscn ail :e:;aer neir__- I <br />~I'°~... .. ti0ti=:~ 'in the af~lriia~l4e .8ri: ~' ~~~~ 1'ari: ~tii i aga.ln _ _.C1. ted ;led=tC_ OT j <br />Cr_rceL :runty ~.., I939-I9.O,at the sa:Ie ~la.ry Vi z.aIGGG.GC <br />Gn Wet: n Line~se ~rr _.._,:b„ ..t e.. tc ,."_~, :"uw :cF:ee fc. Tourist _,_. _.~ residerag <br />~ and -ab n ci: St2*.e .i_hrany lac 7(i;nesr the ;3urham County li:;e. <br />_ o :;;v e~itl t~ t;:e State E~~'~ ~y e s.l:s: ion,are ' e* 'c~ _ d arc. c °Ted :+ <br />LO ~$e „CB.t ins .:_ln°: r, :. ~.-ti=ff, ...:ram :.88'iS 1C4.n li.ay a9. n~; _"Cr _ -, u 1C-. 1 _: r-. <br />ay Y?c 1E ne3r =sldre". '_loy"ds rul:rir_g -art:^_ _,rd t the r>uc°tte Trill Rcad and cre •a: - I <br />"r=illsbc D ..'itizens a:-ping icr an exter_sion far a;.;_ro;:iL.ately~ r?•ile iron fire end of eels <br />treet o the St, ._~r3s :cad <br />~r. Doti nit a_.ered S.T L,>tta Tr„ be ~id :4I,CC fc~ 8 ~: eep an I :cat <br />_~~lled y dc,~ t_:.._ ;;e`r.^ t<•Ie I939 listed Valuation of the same. <br />Gn ._eti n cf -.~:isiar_er Ceb-c,duly seoorded a.d carried it .. cr~ierec: thst the arrarEe <br />::sr.ts n ri e.istins 'cet.`,een the County and the I.stitute ;;f ;:ccer:.:r.ea be cartirued for ~ <br />one yea at~a cost of x:%3,00 <br />,•a.l avet fer I939-I9~C having been fully ado;ted and ap,,:oved the fc'_=o~~irg <br />Schedgl of taxes are i-:ereby levied for the year I93 ,to-l;it: <br />- upon m tion of Ccm..~is,ior_er 'r7ilson,duly by Co~,missioner Cobb,snd u~nimausly <br />a co~tea ail ra': ers voting in the a`f ir•~ative,tY,e folloraino resolution ie adopted lev- j <br />ing the faxes for tree yea= I939sto- it: ~ <br />Or_ e?.Cri 'roll the sum of M.,UG ' <br />Cn each ;:e~:ale dog the sum of 2.OCi <br />Gn each male dog the sum cf I.00 <br />.e.O T'., rel:..ral ~: Curity _ CwP,:: ~._,. uu..: Ci ,ib On eaCn y'1GG.GG' Y^lu;:ti Cn <br />s'cr ::curt and Sail ~ovrpases,the s:am of .C5 on each ;~TGC.GO -.aluation <br />. r'ar E~eneral lebt Service ,tire s~.." of ,24 cn each ~rIGO.GG vaiuatior.~ <br />nor School Current e:cperses; le sum of .G6 on ach divC,uG valaatiar_~ <br />1 <br />~cr 3chcci capital outlay tha s:m/ of ,Gc,7,cn e• c: IC•,'vG valuat'_crt <br />,. :,r JC. vJ'1 ,.eat £erV1Ce r" ;.;Cw68 tre <br />^, (sue of .~5,3 or __ ~0 .GC -1 •atiolt <br />Bcr ;; • urz,oses,the sam cf ,I~ cn ~,cr.` .~G.Cv l~~tatics~ <br />'i're above ~_:_ing a C anty aide rate e- :I.GG or_ caah ,}IGU.UO v.l'aaticn <br />In a~._iticn to the cove levies,the :..axi:,IUm aWcants ~ taxes levied :.rd <br />licr:ed •.:r.der ucYledule B, of t'r=e 1939,; cvarue ct, are hereby levied for Cr_ <br />al=oe Ccu.t~~ -.__.. the Tsx .,~llectn=' _= ilatr~,:cted to ccllec~ the sa::.s, ~ <br />" - I <br />-~.. aa~iticn tc the abeveCsG;eral County tax 'ra.e,t'ce '=~lb~:ink epecial taxes <br />are hereby levied; <br />rIiLST3CR0 TGh2ia'Ir <br />for retire, er:~ of Read ponds tYle su:: ~ ~?, on eac : •,~IGG.~C. <br />~aluatior_. <br /> <br />