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<br />Report
<br />February 10, 1976
<br />- The Orange County Commissioners, Orange County Board of Education, and
<br />the Chapel Hill-CarrboroF3aard of Education met on February 10, 197b,at
<br />Lincoln Center. Mrs. Flo Garrett, Chairman of the County Commissioners,
<br />called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the following members
<br />present: County Commissioners Mr. Norm Gustaveson, Mr. Jan Pinney, and
<br />Mr. Richard Whitted; Orange County Board of Education members Mr. $. G.
<br />Coleaxan, Mr. Oscar Compton, Mrs. F;mma Sue Lof tin, and Mr. Larry Sturdivant;
<br />and Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of ,Education members Mr. Edwin Caldwell,
<br />Jr., Mrs.Betty Denny, Mr. Kenneth Howard, Mr. James Riddle, Mrs. Mary
<br />Scruggs, Mrs. Phyllis Sockwell, and Mr. Norman Wheatherly. Staff
<br />members in attendance were Mr. Sam Gattis and Mr. Neal Evans of the
<br />Ceunty Commissioners, Mr. George Williams and Mr. Robert Fianea from
<br />the two school systems.
<br />Mrs. Garrett said that the meeting is called to discuss the county
<br />capital needs.
<br />Mr. Sam Gattis, Orange County Manager, said that a Facility study is
<br />being done, but has not yet been completed, and that the listed needs
<br />are estimates only. He said that the most pressing Heads, not yet so
<br />identified by County Commissioners, and not listed in order of priority,
<br />are for a new jail at an estimated cost of $750,000 to $1,000,000; office
<br />spate for county administrative offices; renovation of Grady Brown Svhovl
<br />in Hillsborough, if feasible, at an estimated cyst of $900,000, or about
<br />half of this if only one of the two buildings were renovated; and renova-
<br />tion of court facilities at an estimated cost of about $l~Q0,00. He said
<br />that a second-line need is for space in Chapel Hill to provide county
<br />services, since the present rent for Department of Social Services and
<br />Health Department is $2p,000 annually; a policy decision will need to be
<br />made whether additional traditional county services should be provided
<br />izz Chapel Hill. He said that third-line needs include rural water and
<br />sewer, and recreational facilities in the county.
<br />Mr. George Williams, Orange County School Superintendent, said that the
<br />Orange County Board of Education discussed the needs of Orange County
<br />schools at their last meeting, and that the presentation includes only
<br />immediate needs; the Board decided that they are unable at this time to
<br />predict accurately the future enrollment, since there has been a sudden
<br />enrollment increase this year over that projected. He said that the
<br />immediate need is the renovation and addition to the elementary school
<br />in the Efland area, or the construction of a new school; the estimated
<br />current cost of renovation and addition is $1,600,000 with projected
<br />increase in cost of l0~ a year. He said that there fs a need for addi-
<br />tional space for cutural arts at the high school, at an estimated cast
<br />of $500,000; for a storage building for the maintenance of the school food
<br />service, at an estimated cost of $75,000; for additional classrooms at some
<br />of the elementary schools, since one of the classes is now housed in a
<br />trailer; for dressing rooms and storage apace at~the junu,or school,
<br />at an estimated cost of $100,000; far imprpvements at the existing sites,
<br />--- including landscaping, paving and playgrounds, at an estimated cost of
<br />more than $100,000; and that additional $175,000 is needed for miscellaneous
<br />smaller projects, for a total of $2,850,000 for immeditate use.
<br />Mr. Williams said that the Board has discussed items that will be needed
<br />in the future, which will greatly increase the amount of funds requested.
<br />Fie said that the average of bids in construction is between $27.50 and
<br />$30.00 par square foot, and that the post of the projects was calculated
<br />within this range.
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