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~s8 <br />He explained that the President had ignored County Officials in a <br />recent White House Meeting on the budget. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Whitted, ti was moved and adopted that the Board write a letter in <br />support of the position taken by the National Association of Counties <br />on being ingvred by the President. <br />Neal Evans, Finance Office r,. filed with the Clerk a corrected <br />cagy of the 1975-1976 Budget and also filed a copy of the sheets <br />that had been amended by official action of the Board. (For copies <br />of the 1975-1976 Budget and Budget Amendments se.e Docket Book Number <br />_. Nine, Page 20D . <br />There being no further business to come before the Board, the <br />meeting was adjourned to meet again on Wednesday, February LF, 1976 <br />at 7:30 p.m. ~`~a'-~ <br />Flora R. Garrett, Chairman <br />Betty June Hayes, Clerk <br />No taps for this meeting is available as the tape recorder is broken. <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />February 1~, 1976 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Orange County met in <br />special session at 7:3a P.M. on Wednesday, February !}th in the <br />Commissioners Room of the Courthouse in Hillsborough. <br />All Members were present. <br />This meeting was held for two puposas: <br />1. To receive the report of the County Community <br />Development Task Force and; <br />2. To bear a report Pram the County's Emergency <br />Medical Services Council concerning the speci- <br />fications and design of a Emergency Medical <br />Services Communication System for Orange County. <br />Ms. Marion Woads delivered tv the Board of Commissioners <br />the Community Development Task Force's report. <br />"The Task Force attempted tv gatber information for the pre- <br />. application that is required by March 15, 1976, to be submitted <br />to clearinghouses at least thirty days prier to submission to <br />Housing and Urban Development. <br />In addition .to Task Force work sessions, there were two <br />public bearings as required by H.U.D. The Nominal Group Technique <br />was used in the hearings. This technique virtually assures that <br />each person attending the meeting will be allowed an opportunity <br />to express himself. <br />The Taak Force feels that the public hearings were successful <br />(though we had boped for better attendance.) The time schedule <br />imposed upon us forced us to hold hearings in conflict with other <br />_. hearings in the same communities. The weather was foul one night <br />and you era all aware of the press release announcing that Task <br />Forces were valueless. <br />We are grateful to Mark Burnham from Triangle J, Council of <br />Governments and to Irvin Dobson, Keith Rosamond, Hal Minis, <br />Frank Parker and Kathy Williams from the County Planning Depart- <br />msnt for their loyalty. <br />Mr. Caleb Moore arranged for the public hearing in Fairview- <br />West Hillsborough and Mra. Viola Tinnin and Mr. Robert Riley <br />arranged for the Efland-Cheeks hearing. Task Force participants <br />have been Mrs. Marilyn Riddle, Chairperson; Mrs. Marjorie Land; <br />Mr. Caleb Moore; Mr. Robert Ri1ey;Mra. Kathan iTBakins and-myself. <br />