Orange County NC Website
-- _ _ <br />L:INUTES OF TFC; BOARD OF COP~SSIOIdr"EtS,MOnday ,June 5th I939 <br />The Hoard met at the usual hour present,Commiasionera.J,Ed Laws.Ben F v~ilson and <br />Coili r Cobb Jr. The minutes of the ibay neetiag were read and approved <br />On mo ion it is hereby ordered that H.E liayea be paid X20.00 for 20 Turkeys killed <br />by do s <br />On mo ion Chas A 7dcDa@e is hereby elected a member of the Orange County 'Aelfare <br />Bcard1for a term of two yearn from date. <br />On molion it is hereby ordered that the sum of Tem Dollars be sent to.the State <br />Assoc an on of County Commiasiorera,this being the usual amount sent bg this Coun <br />ty~ <br />Dr,W. Richardson County Health Officer made Verbal report of the Health situation <br />in th District which appears very favorable, and the same is hereby commended <br />Ordered that Jno.H Cate be paid ~IE.50 for II Goats killed by dogs, <br />A Roa~ petition from Chapel Hill Citizens to the State Highway Commission to complete <br />a road now largely built,frpm tie Chapel Hill- Durham Boulevard Via.Ea~stwcod Inc,to <br />the Orange Church Road at 8 point near the Air Port is hereby approved and delivered <br />to the petitioners who will _preeent to the State High Commission at its next Diat- <br />meeting. <br />]::ins ` pace E.Holcombe Home Ikmonttra~ion Agent sub::;itted a detaildd monthly report <br />with acc cunt for Clerical help for~22.20; report is herehy approved and accpunt <br />ordere paid. <br />A Road petition from Citizens in Eno Township to the State Highway Commission to open <br />_ up a r ad from tie old Oxford Road near the home of E.I. Lockhart, to the St,~arys ' <br />Caldwe 1 road is herehy approved and ordered sent to the Diatrie~ Engineer at once .' <br />A Road etiticn from Citizens of Cedar Grove and Cheeks Township to the State Highway <br />Commis ion to open up and ~palatfL a road beginning at a paint in the Efland Cedar Grove <br />Road Wing tiJest around Pour miles to the road passing IIarmony Church near the home <br />of l:r R~ruitt;is herehy approved and ordered sent to the District Engineer ' <br />At a j int meeting of the Orange County Welfare Board with the Board of Commissioners, <br />on motion ZSr W.T Yattox, is herebjr Elected-Superintendent for Orange Caxnty Welfare <br />for tw years at a salary of $2400.00 per year, <br />G.W R C ninty Accountant submitted a full. report of ail Budget appropriations made <br />for Ig 8-Ig39 w.tth the amounts used by each department to June Ist <br />is hero y approved and ordered filed, <br />Carl C Avis County Tan Collector submitted a report ahOwirsg the total listed taxes <br />for th year 293,8 to be $I57.536.64, with Colleltions,Diacounts and releases to date <br />of ~I2 .775.85 ,leaving as:uncolieited balance oa I938 tazes as of June Ist,of~30.760,69 <br />Report pproved and ordered filed. <br />H,C Burt C mnty Farm Agent for the Colored Feople made a report of all <br />_ of his work and suggested some things he felt was needed, Report approved <br />T e Board of Education net jointly with the Board of Commissioners for discussion <br />d sdggestioas as to the Budget requirments noon to be filed.The Beard of Educat: <br />v~s reoueated to file its Tentative Budget by the next regular meeting. <br />I cn <br />COIITINIk~ <br />