LIN1'T?i~3 of t•e Board of Coms;iseioners,B`onday may- Ist I939
<br />
<br />The Board met at the usual '_AUr ;resent Commi:sioners.J,Ld Lavas,0,o11iEx Cobb,Jr.
<br />.an,i _R i'sor....ShP m;r.L~tc s nf~ ~°,~rii ~- P+sng w=ra *Aad and 2ppxoued.----
<br />- i
<br />I
<br />A R^a petition to the State Highvaay Co:mnission,to open and take over a road, in Bing
<br />ham Tbmnship near Bethel Church running Via.Joe '.c0auleys.C'rarlie LL~yde. hack Nevill
<br />Lstat., and ct?^ers to the ':~hite Cross-uillsboro Road near ~ iths Old Fi eld xhocl
<br />houser,is hereby a~-proved and ordered s eht to the .loc,~ting Rngineer at Greensboro,lv',Q
<br />A 3ca~1 petition to the State High-ay :ommission to tike ever a road beginning at
<br />the ~ mr of James ;ones, across to t-e Orange Grove Road is hereby approved and de- '~
<br />livered to B:r.-9.L i+cCauley mho mill represent the petitioners befcr he Highvaay
<br />Co-„mi.~ssioners at Durham N.C,
<br />?;:iss :3~ace B h61^ombe Bome ~mcnstration Ag~~ su';mittea her monthly report,
<br />showi g in detail all monk done during the month ,vaith an expense account of ~$4,I8
<br />and a~ accqunt for Jlerical :zelp of aII.IO. rex,ort apareved,and both accounts--4os~xx
<br />ordered paid.
<br />Don, S' 1atheson C runty Harm .~gerit submitted a detailed report setting forth the con !
<br />ditio~s~ and aging the free use of lime and stated how the same c ould be o'6tained i
<br />:nom tthe. Government.
<br />I
<br />mod ion it :s hereby ordered that 5reriff S,T Latta Jr., be paid X30.00 fc_ 6 ~I
<br />Shee Y.iilled by dogs same beinj listed for taxes at r~p5.00 each on I938 tax 3,3 St. ~
<br />this o be paid froilo the special Dog tax fund. '
<br />1~,C BSrt Colored Para .lgent submitted an i:iustrated Report,whieg is highly comr_li
<br />mente~l approved and ordered filed with the proper Ciunty Re.,orts.
<br />On mo Tore it is Y,ereby ordered that the County Pay David Rourdtree Robinson Ten
<br />- Dcila s per month on acco,ngt of being blind!
<br />I
<br />- i~r,tid. Biatrox,Grange 'Aelfare Superinten dent submitted a detailed report of the '
<br />Orang C anty ~deYfara warp, Suring the month of A~:ril.
<br />Oh Trion it is hereby or3ered that the Welfare pay B.:;ma';eddings the stiffi of u6.G0
<br />per nth .:rtil further notice.
<br />i
<br />~~ De~,egation composed of :Yir• Acbert nughes.2;:rs,'+darren and a number of ot'cers appear
<br />ed be ors t:~e Board in the interest cP securing a Vocational 9epartment at 9ycock
<br />Schoa .
<br />A lame delegation of colored Citizens a_;~eared before the board in the interest of
<br />conso idating a nud~her oY Colered Schocls,The :.utter is taken t~rtder advisement for
<br />furth r Consideration,to be taken up later
<br />On mo ion it is i:ereby ordered that Dewey Thompson colored of Hillsboro Tovanhsip be
<br />perms ently exem_ted from paying poll tors on ace;unt of _hysical disability.
<br />On mo ion it ?s }..ereby ordered that Lonnie ~omble~:hite~of Hillsboro Township be per
<br />manen~ly ex ~mpted from paying poll tax on accpunt of Physical afilietion a3td disc
<br />bilit~y,
<br />G,`A Ra ,County Accountant submiytted am itemized acct of all Bvdget appropriations
<br />am cunt use to Biay Ist- Reportfadopted and ordered :Tied
<br />T e Jurors for the June Civil and Crimina'.t'erms .sere dramn and appear on
<br />ne- t page .
<br />ThI~ Tax Collector -:ported a total levy for I938 of ~I57.I69.86, wfoth
<br />' col~ectiona>~c releases and discounts to lday Ist of ~I20,36I.7I,le.aving
<br />- an recollected balance of X36,808-I5 as of Bray Ist 1939. report or~e:ed
<br />fileli with the proper re-arts
<br />There being no further busi~teae on motion adjourned;
<br />J.Ed,Lavvas ~~
<br />C'r,ai rman
<br />fittest, Ben,R .dilson
<br />I -~ s~ one
<br />Col Ter Cob?.Jr
<br />