Orange County NC Website
-525 <br />THE MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />MAY 20, 1975 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session on Monday, <br />May 20, 1975, at 7:30 p.m., in the Commi.ssioners'Room at the Courthouse in <br />Hillsborough, N. C. <br />Members Present: Chairman Flora Garrett, Commissioners Norm Gustaveson, Jan <br />Pinney, Norman Walker and Richard Whitted. <br />Members absent: None. <br />S. M. Gattis, County Administrator; Neal Evans, Fiscal Officer, A. B. Coleman, Jr., <br />County Attorney; and Betty June Hayes, Clerk to the Board were also present. George <br />Williams, Superintendent of Orange County Schools; A. C. Crowder, and Mabel Gordon, <br />Assistant Superintendents of Orange County Schools were present at the meeting. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item #1 on the Agenda: (Members of the Durham <br />Technical Institute. Advisory Committee will meet with the Board of Commissioners.) <br />Chairman Garrett recognized Dr. John Crumpton-; President of Durham Technical <br />Institute,and Lowell A. Speight, Associate Dean of Continuing Education of Durham <br />Technical Institute. Both men expressed their gratitude at being able to appear <br />before the Board and stated that they were looking forward to working with the <br />Board of Commissioners and the Durham Technical Institute Task Force. <br />A question and answer period ensued. <br />The Clerk•tothe Board, Betty June Hayes who had been appointed Chairman to the <br />Durham Technical Institute Task Force,left the Commissioners meeting for the purpose <br />of holding a meeting with Dr. Crumpton, Mr. Speight, representatives of the Orange <br />School Unit, and members of the Durham Technical Institute Task Force. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item # 2 on the Agenda. <br />Mrs. Robert Isley made a brief report to the Board of Commissioners concerning <br />activities of the Historic Hillsborough Committee giving particular emphasis to the <br />Committees' plans for celebration of the Bicentennial year. Mrs. Isley and the <br />Historic Hillsborough Committee feel it is necessary for any plans and activities of. <br />this Committee to draw support from the entire community before they can be really <br />successful. The Committee has considered several proposals, and plans more than one <br />activity. The one most directly of concern at this time is the proposed celebration <br />on August 24, 1975 of the 200th anniversary of the 3rd Provincial Congress which was <br />convened in Hillsborough on August 20, 1775. Other proposals touch such thi'ngsas.des3gna- <br />tion of a Bicentennial County, a pageant, etc. <br />In summary Mrs. Isley stated she'was asking for the full endorsement_ and support <br />of the County when the Committee holds its August 24th celebration. <br />Commissioner Norman Gustaveson moved the Board of Commissioners endorse fully <br />the efforts of Mrs. Isley and the Historic Hillsborough Commission to celebrate the <br />200th anniversary of the 3rd Provincial Congress. <br />Commission Norman Walker offered a second. <br />Vote: ayes 5; may 0. <br />Chairman Garrett then called for discussion on agenda item #.3; , the creation <br />of a Health Task Force. <br />Commissioner Norman Gustaveson opened the discussion by calling attention to the <br />great need for improved health care and suggested the creation of a task force to <br />take an in -depth look into this area of health care. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson then asked Cathy Parker a graduate student in the School <br />of Public Health at UNC to comment. Miss Parker pointed out to the Board that many <br />fine programs are presently in operation in this area however many wonderful oppor- <br />tunities exist that still might be capitalized upon. One county in the eastern part <br />of this state, she was familiar with, had organized a task force such as the one <br />suggested by Mr. Gustaveson. This group had helped bring about substantial improve - <br />ment in the level of local health care there. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson resumed his remarks and pointed out that many agencies <br />already functioning in the area such as the Health Planning Council of Central North <br />Carolina, the UNC Schools of Medicine, Public Health, Nursing and N. C. Memorial <br />Hospital had offered assistance if such a task force was created. <br />Commissioner Richard Whitted then moved the= adoption of the following resolution: <br />P <br />