Orange County NC Website
~5~4 <br />Commissioner Richard Whitted stated he hyped the Board could resolve this issue <br />before the 14th as that was the date of the Area Mental Health Hoard meeting. ~ <br />The meeting then adjourned. <br />Sam Gattis, Acting Clerk <br />a7"( ~7 a~ <br />Flora R. Garrett, Chairman <br />THE MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF CQM^1I55IONERS <br />May 13, 1975 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Tuesday, <br />May 13, 1975, at 7:00 p.m. in the Commissipners Room at the Courthouse in <br />xillsborough, N. C. <br />Members present: Chairman Flora Garrett, Commissipners Nprm Gustaveson, Tan <br />Pinney, Norman Walker and Richard E. Whitted. <br />Members absent: None. <br />Also present were 5. M. Gattis, County Administrator; and Betty June Hayes, <br />Clerk to the Hoard. A. B. Coleman, Jr., County Attorney was absent due to an <br />emergency. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item #1 on the Agenda: (Acquisition of Northside <br />School Property from Chapel Hill Board of Education) <br />Commissioner Walker read the following comments: <br />"1. As you all know I was appointed by the Hoard along with the County Manager, <br />Sam Gattis, to negotiate with the Chapel Hill Schpol Board the purchase or <br />acquisition of the Northside School property. <br />2. The Chapel Hill School Board wanted $100,000. for the property. I tried <br />to reason with them that they had nothing to sell but a liability. <br />My propositipn was the County would accept the property for the development <br />of a Mental Health Center and other County related office spaces. Negotiation <br />at this time broke down. <br />3. About this time we were getting a lot of pressure from Mental Health to pur- <br />chase the property as they would lose the State grant of $350,000, if we did not <br />move fast. This prompted me to take a look into the Grant application as I had <br />never heard of a grant being approved so quickly especially since it had not <br />come before the County Board fpr formal approval. (Sept. 15th - Dec. 2nd) <br />4. Pat walton stated the County Board did not have to approve the Grant that <br />the Area Mental Health Board had the authority to do so and she quoted a Statute <br />giving them the authority to approve $50,000. in County money for matching funds. <br />This was proven not tp be true. Mr. Whitted and Pat walton further stated that <br />the area Mental Health voted unanimously for its approval.. After careful study of <br />the Mental Health Area Board Minutes and talking to members o£ that Board, they <br />assured me they had never voted on the'.issue. <br />5. (A) The application states that Orange County has approved $50,000. in its <br />,1974'75 bddget period. This was known to be false information as the money has - <br />not yet been appropriated. <br />(B) The application further states that Person and Chatham Counties approved <br />$11;765. for their share of the matching funds. After talking with members of <br />the Person and Chatham County Board:':s of Commissioners they had not approved any <br />money for a.'joint venture into an Orange County project. It is my understanding <br />that by law this cannot be done except by a three County agreement which no <br />attempt has been made thus far (by County Boards of Cpmmissioners) Person and <br />Chatham Counties were not aware that the application had committed them to the <br />money just mentioned. <br />I have the letter from Dr. N. P. Zarzar (Director) congratulating the <br />County Commissioners for their cooperation in approving this money. (That has <br />not been approved).. <br />6. The application falsely states that the Area Mental Health Board has lease- <br />hold interest fpr 25 years at $1.00 per yeaz. (on the Northside School property). <br />7. In bringing this to the attention of the Hoard they agzeed after much dis- <br />cussion to bring in the persons from the State GranL• Office and others involved <br />to ask if they were aware of the false and irregular procedure in which the <br />