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°5~2 <br />aspects of the.application process. <br />3. That i£ the subgrant is made, the Applicant shall provide or make arrange- ~ <br />ments to provide, a local cash matching contribution in the amount of $40.28 <br />and a local in-kind matching contribution valued under LEAA guidelines at N/A <br />(or proportionately reduced local matching contributions if the subgrant <br />amount is reduced) as required by the Act to defray the cost of the project. <br />4. That the Project Director designated in the application form shall furnish or <br />make arrangements for other appropriate persons to furnish such information, <br />data, documents and reports pertaining to the project, if approved, as may <br />be required by the Division of Law and Order. <br />5. That certified copies of this resolution be included as part of the applica- <br />tion referenced above. -- <br />6. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption." <br />Upon a motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, it <br />was moved and adopted that the Chairman sign the LEAA Grant Application. <br />Being no further business, the meeting adjourned, to meet again at 1:00 p.m'. <br />Monday, May 12, 1975, at the Chapel Hill Town Hall. <br />~` J a-+ aQI~ o-~~" <br />Flora Garrett, Chairman <br />Hetty June Hayes, Clerk <br />THE "'i1NUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY <br />HOARD OF COM"9ISSIODIERS <br />May 8, 1975 <br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange County met at 7:30 p.m. in the Board Rvom <br />of the Chapel Hill Municipal Building on Thursday, May 9, 1975 in joint session with <br />the Chapel Hill Town Board of Aldermen. <br />All Commissioners were present. <br />Mayor Howard Lee opened the meeting by recounting the events leading up to to- <br />night's session giving particular attention to the request for rezoning the Proctor <br />property which 7:ies in the Chatham County, orange County and Chapel Hill Zoning Dis- <br />tricts. The Town of Chapel Iiill, it was pointed out, had already denied rezoning of ' <br />this property. This was done because all things the petitioners were asking could be <br />granted through special use permits if the Town was inclined to issue such a permit. <br />Mr. Emezy Denny, Attorney for the Town of Chapel Hill, pointed out that this <br />rezoning request ~.aas symptomatic of a type of problem that affected Chapel Hill, <br />Carrboro, Orange County and Chatham County. In the area where these zoning districts <br />join together action by any one of these agencies has significant effect on the other <br />jurisdictions. Therefore, he felt that when requests for rezoning in this area are <br />made some type of joint consideration would be mutually beneficial to all involved <br />parties. Ms. Alice Welch, Chapel Hill Hoard member, voiced support for Mr. Denny's <br />suggestion. <br />Commissioner Garrett suggested the possibility of creating some type of zone <br />surrounding the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro in which the County and one o= <br />the other of the Towns would exercise joint control. <br />Alderman R. D. Smith stated he felt the extra territorial zoning jurisdiction <br />of the Town of Chapel Hill should be extended. <br />Mayor Lee spoke again this time about the zone in which joint control was exer- <br />cised and also about the creation of a mechanism that would permit joint consideration <br />of problems that affected more than one jurisdiction. He pointed out that a Ceunty <br />zoning a relatively short distance from the City would eventually have a significant --~ <br />effect upon the City itself. <br />Alderman Cohen suggested that at t_he least the County should notify the Town of <br />any pending rezoning that falls within two miles of the City limits. <br />Alderperson Alice Welch suggested the County hurry along with its land use plann~:ng <br />efforts particularily in the Chapel Hill Area. <br />Commissioner Garrett in continuing her comments about a zone of mutual considera- <br />tion stated that if the Town could identify the area it might reasonably expand into <br />over the next five to ten years then the County might deem this the area of mutual con- <br />cern and the County could review with the appropriate Town any proposed rezonings in <br />this area. <br />