Orange County NC Website
51® <br />MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />Monday, April 21, 1975 <br />The Orange County Hoard of Commissioners met in adjourned session on Monday, Apxi1 21, <br />1975, in the Gommissioners Room at the Courthouse in Hillsborough, N. C. <br />All members were present. <br />S. M. Gattis, County Manager; A. B. Coleman, Jr., County Attorney, Neal Evans, <br />Fiscal Officer; and Betty June Hayes, Clerk were present. <br />Chairman Garrett refexxed to Item III on the Agenda. <br />Item 3: Consideration of the questions: <br />A. Should deer hunting with a high powered rifle be prbhibited in Orange. ` <br />County? <br />B. What can be done to get Wildlife Commission officers to enforce the <br />local ban on hunting from State Highway right of way? <br />C. Public Hearing <br />There was a large delegation of opponents and:proponents present to speak on the mat- <br />ter of deer hunting and the types of weapons used in hunting. A lengthy discussion ensued. <br />C. D. Knight, Sheriff, stated that he did not have the personnel to enforce the hunting <br />from the right of way law that was now effective in Orange County and he suggested that the <br />Wildlife.Protector was in a better position to actively enforce the law than was: his depart- <br />went. <br />Chairman Garrett suggested that the County Manager and the County Attorney be author- <br />ized to prepare and publish a public notice that the state Wildlife Commission would be <br />holding a public meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina, on May 19, 1975, for the purpose of <br />adopting policy for the:. next hunting season. Further discussion ensued. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Whitted, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, it was <br />moved that the Board ask the delegates to the Legislature to amend the local law that pro- <br />hibits hunting from the highway right of way in Orange County to grant the authority to <br />say that the Wildlife Protector shall enforce the law in Orange County and for the County <br />to put in the newspapers having general circulation in tlle::ounty the fact that the North <br />Carolina Wildlife Commission will be making a decision on hunting in Orange County on <br />May 19 and that they may write to the Wildlife Commission directly or to this Board to <br />be forwarded on to the Wildlife Commission. <br />Commissionez Walker requested Commissioner Whitted to separate his motion as he <br />was in favor of one portion and not in favor of the other portion. <br />Commissioner Whined agreed to amend his original motion. Commissioner Gustaveson <br />concurred with Commissioner Whitted's agreement to amend the original motion. <br />Commissioner Whitted moved that the Board ask Delegates in the General Assembly to <br />amend the local law that prohibits hunting from the highway right of way in Orange County <br />to grant authority to say the Wildlife Commission Protector shall enforce this law in <br />Orange County. <br />Chairman Garrett called for the vote. Commissioners Garrett, Gustaveson, Pinney <br />and Whitted voted aye. Commissioner Walker voted nay. Chairman Garrett declaralthe <br />motion passed. <br />Commissioner Whitted moved that the County place a public notice in the newspapers <br />having general circulation in the County the fact that the North Carolina Wildlife Com- <br />mission will be making a decision on hunting in Orange County South of I-85 on May 19 and <br />that all interested citizens should write directly to the Wildlife Commission or to this <br />Board to forward on to the Wildlife Commission. Commissioner Gustaveson seconded the <br />motion. Chairman Garrett called for the vote. <br />Commissioners Garrett, Gustaveson, Pinney, Walker and Whitted voted aye. Chairman <br />Garrett declared the motion passed. <br />Discussion of Item C. <br />The Board agreed to defer action of this item as they felt they lacked the proper <br />statistical data for reaching a decision. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item 1 on the Agenda. <br />Item 1: Should the Board consider legal legislation authorizing creation o£ a local <br />department of Human Services? <br />Chairman Garrett explained that she had Gust recently received from Representative <br />Trish Hunt a copy of the local bill entitled An Act to Authorize Boards of Commissioners <br />to Create County Boards and Departments of Human Resources" that had been drawn at the <br />request of the Board. She stated that she had not had time to thoroughly read the proposed <br />legislation, however, it was permissive legislation and its enactment would not mean that <br />the Board would create a department of Human Services. It simply meant it would be given <br />the authority to create such a department. Chairman Garrett further pointed out that the <br />deadline for local legislation was sometime in April. Discussion ensued on this matter. <br />Commissioner Walker moved that the proposed legislation be deferred until.May 2 in <br />order to allow each member time to study the matter. Commissioner Pinneysscondedthe motion. <br />