Orange County NC Website
MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />Monday, April 7, 1975 5~1 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, April 7, <br />1975, at ten o clock a.m., in the Commissioners Room at the Courthouse in Hillsborough, <br />N. C. <br />All members were present. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item I on the Agenda. <br />Item I: Daniel H. Pollitt: Review of Local Legislative Act Prohibiting the Practice <br />of Palmistry by Gypsies in Orange County. <br />Mr. Pollitt presented a review of G.S. 14-401.5 with specific reference to John <br />- Mitchell and his wife, Sister Bessie, who is a Fortune Teller. He stated that the Town <br />of Chapel Hill did issue to Sister Bessie a Fortixne. Telling License at a fee of twa <br />hundred fifty dollars ($250), however, after the license was issued the Town requested <br />that the license be returned as it was in violation with an existingg Local State Statute. <br />Mr. Pollitt stated that the profession of fortune telling was prahil~ited in sixty-five <br />(65) counties of the State and that he was of the opinion that this Statute was discrimi- <br />natory due to the fact that it made specific reference to a race of people and in this <br />instance the language "Gypsy and/or Gypsies" was written into the language of enactment. <br />He requested that the Board have Orange County removed from the provisions of G.S. 14-401._` <br />on the basis that the law was discriminatory against the Gypsy race. <br />Cpmmissioner Jan Pinney spoke in opposition to the request. He stated his apposition <br />was based on the filmflam practices of certain individuals and that certain segments of <br />people ;could be taken advantage of if the practice of fortune telling was exempt from <br />the law. <br />Commissioner Richard E. Whined and Norm Gustaveson spoke in favor of the request. <br />Commissioner Norman Walker requested time to consider the matter because he had no <br />knowledge of citizen reaction to the request. <br />Flora <br />Chairman/Garrett stated she had no opposition to tlie:practice of fortune telling. <br />Commissioner Walker moved that the request be tabled. Commissioner Pinney seconded <br />this motion. <br />Chairman Garrett calle for a vote on the motion. Commissioners Pinney and Walker ~ <br />• voted aye. Commissioners Garrett, Gustaveson and Whitted voted nay. Chairman Garrett <br />then declared the motion failed. <br />Commissioner Whined moved that the Board request the Orange County delegation in the <br />General Assembly to take the proper action to have Orange County removed from the pro- <br />visions of G.S. 14-401.5. Commissioner Gusteveson seconded the motion. <br />Chairman Garrett called for a vote on the motion. Commissioners Garrett, Gustaveson <br />and Whitted opted aye. Commissioners Pinney and Walker voted nay. Chairman Garrett <br />declared the motion passed. <br />The Clerk was instructed to advise the Drange County Representatives of the action <br />taken on G.S. 14=401.5. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item 2 on the Agenda: (Mr. Zeb Terry: To Propose A <br />Resolution Prohibiting Hunting in Eno Township of Orange County.) <br />Chairman Garrett stated there was going to be a Public Hearing, Friday night, April.ll <br />1975, in Graham, concerning the rules and regulations to upcoming hunting regulations <br />conducted by the Wildlife Commission. <br />Chairman Garrett recognized Zeb Terry. <br />Mr. Terry requested the Board to consider adopting a resolution that would prohibit <br />deer hunting in Eno Township. He explained that the was a spokesman for persons that <br />lived on Jack Walker Road in Eno Township. And that the request for a resolution was <br />motivated by the fact that fnr six (6) weeks, during the deer hunting season, the residents <br />of that area were afraid to go about normal routines due to the fact that the area was <br />overrun with hunters. Discussion ensued. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated that he was in favor of sending a Resolution tv the <br />~ Public Hearing that would be conducted by the Wildlife Commission on Friday, April 11, 1975 <br />Commissioner Walker requested that prior to the Board's taking any action on Mr. <br />Terry's request that they recognize Randy Porterfield, District Wildlife Bioligist, for <br />a presentation. Mr. Porterfield explainded how the deer population was controlled, what <br />the consequences were if they were not controlled, and recommended that the Board give <br />legislative support for Wildlife Enforcement Officers to enforce trespassing laws and to <br />request the Sheriff's Department to enforce trespassing laws in connection with deer <br />hunting. Discussion ensued between Mr. Porterfield, Mr. Terry, and members of the Board. <br />Commissioner Pinney suggested that the Board prohibit deer hunting for one year in <br />Eno Township. His reason being that it would allow an opportunity to judge whether or not <br />the Sheriff s Department had adequate personnel to enforce the law, currently in effect ~ <br />~ Orange County, that prohibited hunting from the road right-of way. Discussion ensued. <br />Commissioner Walker moved that no action be taken on the matter and that each <br />