Minutes - 19750320
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19750320
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MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />X9'7 <br />Thursday, March 20, 1975 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in Special Session at 8:00 p.m. on <br />Thursday, March 20, 1975 in the Commissioners Room at the Courthouse in Hillsborough. <br />All members were present, <br />Chairman Garrett called the meeting to order and requested Mr. John Klink representing <br />the New Hope Rural Fire Department, to present a resolution requesting the Orange County <br />Board of Commissioners to czeate a County Fire Cortanission. <br />Mr. Rline took the floor, presented the resolution to the $oard of Commissioners, and <br />introduced Mr. Jerry Grimes from the North Carolina Department of Insurance, who would <br />review the resolution and answer questions posed from the floor or from. the Board of <br />Commissioners. <br />Mr. Grimes started by saying this resolution was designed in order that protection <br />might be extended to members of the almost one thousand volunteer fire companies that serve <br />in North Carolina today. With the adoption of this resolution and its implementation, a <br />Volunteer Fire Company in Orangge Gounty might become rated and thus achieve far its members <br />certain life insurance and workmens compensation benefits afforded by the State to rated <br />• Volunteer Fire Companies. <br />A lengthy question and answer session followed in which members of the Volunteer Fire <br />Department were able to get answers to some of the questions they posed concerning policies <br />of the North Carolina Fire Insurance Rating Bureau about department ratings, the moving of <br />equipment from a rated area.ty a non-rated area, what would be the actual authority of <br />the County Fire Commission and was it mandatory Eor a department to cooperate with the <br />County Fire Commission. Several persons from the audience brought up questions concerning <br />specific provisions of the resolution itself. <br />At the conclusion of the question and answer session, Chairman Garrett asked each <br />Volunteer Fire Department to signify its assent or opposition m the proposed resolution. <br />Mr. Chandler Cates, Chief of the Hillsborough Department, stated he felt this resolution <br />or one of this sort was necessary, <br />Representatives of the Eno Fire Department stated they would go along with the proposed <br />resolution. <br />Representatives of the Efland Rural Fire Department stated they would gp aing with <br />the resolution, however, they had some misgivings about this action. <br />The Orange Grove Rural Fire Department stated they would agree to County adoption of <br />the proposed resolution but they also had some misgiving about the proposal. <br />Chairman Garrett then asked the'County Association of Fire Chiefs if they would review <br />the resolution and offer any comments they felt necessary. <br />Commissioner Norman Gustaveson moved the adoption of the following resolution; <br />"RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ORANGE COUNTY PROVIDING FOR THE ES- <br />TABLISHMENT OF THE ORANGE COUNTY. FIRE COMMISSION AND QUALIFICATIONS FOR RATING REQUIREMENTS <br />AS SET BY THE N.C. FIRE INSURANCE RATING $UREAU <br />WHEREAS G.S. 153-A-233 empowers a Board of County Commissioners to provide for the organi- <br />zation, equipment, maintenance, and government of fire companies and fire departments, and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Cottmtissianers of Orange County is of the opinion and has found <br />and determined that it is for the best interest and necessary for the protection of the <br />citizens of said county and their property (a) to encourange and aid in the equipment, <br />maintenance, and government of fire departments in the county in order that these depart- <br />vther cro erttect public school buildings and other county buildings, as well as homes and <br />organization to work withaandstofsupplementythebOrangesCauntyhCivpl~Defense Organizationg <br />and (c) in general to provide for the more adequate and efficient protection of life and <br />property in the rural areas of Orange County and to provide a trained body of men to assist <br />the urban areas of the county in case of emergency; <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Gounty Commissioners of Orange County: <br />.-- Section 1. There is hereby created the Orange County Fire Commmission to <br />be composed of five (5) members as follows: <br />(a) One member of the $oard of County Commissioners of Orange <br />County, to be appointed by the said Board and to be known <br />as the Fire Commissioner; <br />(b) Two active volunteer firemen who shall be appointed by the <br />Board of County Commissioners. <br />(c) Two members at large who shall be citizens of Orange County <br />and who shall be appointed by the Board of County Gommissioners. <br />As soon as possible after the adoption of this resolution, the Board of County Commissioners <br />~a11 a point the members of the Fire Commission. These members will serve for the terms of <br />~' ane (1) year. <br />The Fire Coaanissioner shall be the chairman of the commission, and the commission shall <br />choose its own secretary, <br />
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