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~:; <br />C, State approval of Completed plan <br />D. Application for funding of specific projects ~ <br />In 1974 the Hillsborough Area 201 Study was not sufficiently high on the State priority <br />list to be funded. It is not certain where the Hillsborough Area Study stands on the <br />priority list today, Therefore, the 20$ Study will finance the 201 Study for the <br />Hillsborough Area as it will be a part of the Greater Durham 208 .Study. <br />Ray Green explained what a 208 Study really is. This study is much more com- <br />prehensive than a 201 Study. In addition to those "point; sources of pollution <br />considered in a 201 Study, the 208 Study other sources of pollution such as urban <br />run off. Because of the expense attendant to treating non point sources of pollution <br />part of the 208 Study is to devise methods of treating this type pollution. <br />To determine the effects of non point sources of pollution in periods of flood <br />a system of water ,sampling station has to be set up and operated over a period of <br />at least 1D months. <br />Another technique to hold up water quality is to determine what land use patterns <br />cause least pollution from urban run off then try to direct development in this direction. <br />Work schedules for some aspects of 208 Study are: <br />A. Water Monitoring Sample Completed January 1, 1976 <br />B, Inventory of Environmental Systems <br />C. Trend Projection of: <br />1., Employment <br />2. Population December 1, 1976 <br />D. Alternative Land Use Patterns May 1, 1976 <br />E. Recommended Land Uses October 1, 1976 <br />F. Formal Local Review January 1, 1977 <br />Jim Michar then discussed some of the specifics of the actual Hillsborough Area <br />201 Study. He passed outt a small map showing a possible study boundary. Mr. Mark <br />Burnham suggested the western boundary of the area be moved further westward until it <br />abutted the eastern ]aaundary of the Greater Alamance County 201 Area. <br />Tt was agreed that a committee be appointed to study then make recommendation <br />about the Study area boundaries. <br />Mr. Michar added at this point that the 208 Study effort would do a 201 Study <br />for all parts of Orange County that are not included in an existing 201 Study. <br />The Tawn and County later delegated Mr. Michar to advertise for an engineer to <br />Conduct the Hillsborough 201 Study and to report his progress with this effort to <br />Chairman Garrett and Mayor Cates. <br />A meeting will be scheduled to select the engineer. for this study at an <br />appropriate time. <br />~~~ CS10 <br />Flora Garrett, Chairman <br />S..M. Gattis, Acting Clerk <br />MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1975 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session on Monday, <br />March 10, 1975, at 8 o'clock p,m,, in the Commissioners Room at the Courthouse in <br />Hillsborough, N. C. <br />Members Present: Chairman Flora Garrett, Commissioners Norm Gustaveson, Jan <br />Pinney, Norman Walker, and Richard E. Whitted. <br />Members absent: None. <br />5. M..Gattis, County Administrator, Neal Evans, Fiscal Officer, A. B. Coleman, <br />Jr., County Attorney, and Betty June Hayes, Clerk, were also present. <br />The Board agreed to hear Item #2 on the Agenda as it was an item that had been <br />deferred from the March 3rd meeting. (Mrs. Betsy Muir To Request the Board of County <br />Commissioners Endorse a Resolution Requesting the State Allow Credit for Service <br />Prior to the Year 1969 when computing retirement Allowances for Employees of the <br />Food Service Division of the County School System.) <br />