Orange County NC Website
The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on <br />Monday, March 3, 1975, at 10 o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners' Room at *_he <br />Courthouse in Hillsborough, N. C. <br />Members present: Chairman Flora Garrett, Gommissioners Norm Gustaveson, Jan <br />Pinney, Norman Walker, and Richard E. Whitted. <br />Members absent: Pdone. <br />i A. B. Coleman, Jr., County Attorney, S. M. Gatos, County Administrator, Neal <br />Evans, Fiscal Officer, and Betty June Hayes, Clerk, were also present. <br />Chairman Garrett inquired of the Board if they would defer from the Agenda for <br />the purpose of discussing road matters. The Board agreed. <br />Chairman Garrett asked the Clerk to request the Board of Transportation to conduct <br />a traffic count at the intersection of I~ighway 70-E and 7S1 for the purpose of establishing <br />a traffic light at this intersection. <br />Chairman Garrett also requested the Clerk to advise the Board of Transportation to <br />investigate a drainage problem on Crawford Road as a complaint had~been filed by Charles <br />Morgan. <br />Commissioner Walker inquired as to the response that had been received relative to <br />the status of SR db1515. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item dkl on the Agenda: (Approval of Minutes o° rrior <br />Meetings.) <br />L'•gon motion of Commissioner f.Thitted, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, it was moved <br />and adopted that the minutes of February 3rd be approved after corrections. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Whitted, it was moved <br />and adopted, that the minutes of February 6th be approved. <br />The minutes of February 10th were not presented to the Board in time for their <br />consideration, therefore, the approval of these minutes were deferred. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Whined, it was moved <br />and adopted, that the minutes of February 13th be approved. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Whined, seconded by Cousnissioner Pinney, it was moved <br />and adopted, that the minutes of February 18th be approved after certain corrections and <br />insertions were stipulated. <br />The minutes of the February 25th were not presented to the Board. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item ~~2 on the Agenda: (Consideration of Plats <br />frpm Planning Board.) <br />Clayton Haithcock, former Zoning Officer, presented the following plats: <br />1. Two (2) acres, property of C. B. May, Eno Township, plat dated February 11, 1975. <br />Upon motion of Cotmnissioner Whined, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, it was <br />moved and adopted that said plat be approved. <br />2. Three (3) acres, property of Dwight M. and Dee Ann Nichols, Eno Township, plat <br />dated January 21, 1975. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Whined, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, it was <br />moved and adopted that the plat be approved. <br />The Board agreed to hear Item ~~4 on the Agenda: (Mr. L. G. Holleman, Durham-Orange <br />Manpower Council, To review Aims and Progress of this Program.) <br />Mr. L. G. Holleman, Executive Director of the Durham-Orange Manpower Consortium, <br />introduced Wayne Cromwell, Assistant to Mr. Holleman, and Roosevelt Warner, Jr., <br />Orange County Coordinator. <br />~ Mr. Cromwell filed with the Clerk a statistical report of the Manpower Program and <br />he reviewed the financial status, the staffing levels, and the background of the year's <br />experience of the Manpower program. A question and answer period pursued after this <br />presentation. <br />Mr. Holleman advised the Board that the Consortium Agreement between the City of <br />Durham and the County of Orange would expire as of March, 1975, and if the County wished <br />to continue as a part of the Durham-Orange Manpower Consortium then a new agreement must <br />be signed. He explained that the City of Durham was now the prime sponsor of the program. <br />Further discussion ensued. <br />