Minutes - 19750213
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19750213
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~.~~ <br />Commissioner Norman Walker moved the motion be tabled. Commissioner Jan <br />Pinney offered a second to the motion to table. <br />Chairman Flora Garrett called for a vote on the motion to table. <br />Ayes 3, Noes 1. <br />The motion to table was declared passed. <br />Commissioner Pinney suggested the Board inquire about a long term lease of the <br />property;(.20years or more ), with the option to buy receiving credit for all lease <br />payments towards the purchase price. If a lease arrangement is not acceptable to <br />the Board of Education then wou~.d they please make another offer to the Board <br />of Co~mnissioners as the Board felt $100,000 was too much to pay £or the property. <br />The meeting then adjourned. <br />~~a.. <br />Flora Garrett, Chairman <br />S ':Mr Gattis;, ~. Aging -.Cr~erk <br />Items Filed: None. <br />Approved: <br />THE: M~NUTES,OF THE ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOP:RD OF COMMISSSONERS <br />February 13, 1975 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met on Thursday, February 13, 1975, <br />at 5:00 p.m., in the Commissioners Room at the Courthouse in Hillsborough, N. C. <br />Members Present: Chairman Flora Garrett, Commissioners Norm Gustaveson, Jan <br />Pinney, and Richard E. Whetted. <br />Members Absent: Commissioner Norman Walker. <br />A. B. Coleman, Jr. County Attorney, S. M. Gattis, County Administrator, and <br />Betty June Hayes, Clerk, were also present. <br />Bill Laws, Tax Supervisor, and Archie Kelly, Tax Appraiser, were also present. <br />Pat Walton, Executive Director of Mental Health was also present. <br />This meeting :;was held for the purpose of hearing tax appeals that had been <br />received since the Board of Equalization and Review had adjourned. <br />The County Administrator stated that Commissioner Norman Walker called and <br />requested him to ask the Board not .to take any action on the Northside School <br />property until he could be present. Mr. Gattis explained that Mr. Walker was <br />sick with the flu. <br />The Board agreed that due to the pressure to time that it should reach some <br />decision as to how to begin to negotiate for the Northside School property. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner Whitted, <br />it was moved and adopted to continue discussion 6n the Northside School property. <br />Commissioner Pinney stated that he had learned that the School Board could <br />lease the Northside School property and that he had talked unofficially with <br />members of the School Board and these members expressed an interest in such an <br />arrangement. <br />The Board questioned Mrs. Walton concerning the grant monies that would <br />be an advantage for renovation and they inquired about the time factor. <br />Mrs. Walton stated that if a lea~ie agreement was to be pursued then it would <br />have to be a long term lease agreement before the gran* monies. could be applied. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Whitted, it was <br />moved that the County should proceed tp negotiate with the Chapel Hill-Carrboro <br />School Unit on a possible lease agreement for either a long term lease that <br />would include an option to purchase and if we find, after receiving tie fiscal <br />report from Neal Evans,we have the money we can appropriate $15,750. We could <br />appropriate this to them in a good faith gesture for the school grounds. <br />Discussion ensued. <br />{ i <br />I <br />'i <br />
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