Orange County NC Website
ti:~ti <br />THB MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY <br />$OARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />February 3, 1975 <br />The orange County Board of Commissioners met on Monday, February 3, 1975, at <br />10 a.m., in the Commissioners Room at the Courthouse in Hillsborough, N. C. <br />Members Present: Chairman Flora Garrett, Commissioners Norm Gustaveson, - <br />Jan Pinney, Norman Walker, and Richard E. Whitted. <br />Members Absent: None. <br />A. B. Coleman, Jr., County Attorney, Sam Gattis, County Administrator, Neal <br />Evans, Fiscal Officer, and Betty June Hayes, Clerk, were also present. <br />The Clerk requested that the Board wait until the February 18th meeting for <br />the approval of January minutes. She stated that her reason was based on the <br />fact that serveral sets of January minutes were not completed and one (1) set <br />needed to be typed. <br />No action was taken on the January minutes. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Whitted, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, it <br />was moved and adapted that the minutes of December 16, 23, and 30 meetings be <br />approved.. <br />Chairman Garrett asked the Board if they would agree to defer from the Agenda <br />as there were certain items that needed attention. <br />The Board agreed to defer from the Agenda. <br />Chairman Garrett requested the Clerk to have Bill Laws appear before the <br />Board. <br />Mrs. Garrett stated that she had a Letter of Certification for Bill Laws, <br />Assistant Tax Supervisor, from Douglas Holbrook, Director of Ad Valorem Tax <br />Division, N. C. Dept. of Revenue. This letter contained offical notification <br />that Mr. Laws had completed the required number of hours and,therefore, he was <br />now eligible to be appointed Tax Supervisor. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, <br />it was moved and adopted, that Bill Laws be appointed as Tax Supervisor for <br />Grange County, This appointment is to become immediately effective. <br />Mr. Laws stated that there were matters that needed the Boards attention <br />and he requested that the Board schedule a meeting in order to hear certain <br />tax appeals. <br />The Board scheduled a meeting for Thursday, February 13, 1975, at 8 p.m., <br />in the Commissioners Room. <br />It was decided that certain road matters could be presented to the Board. <br />Commissioner Jan Pinney inquired of the County Administrator what the <br />County was to da about Rogers Road. Mr. Gattis replied. that this was the <br />matter of the Town of Chapel Hill and the Board of Transportation. And that <br />the Town had a preliminary discussion with the Highway Department and the <br />Highway Department is to come back with some Resolutions that the Boards can <br />consider. <br />Commissioner Norman Walker asked the Clerk to inquire about the status <br />of 5R 1515. <br />Chairman Garrett stated that a drainage problem did exist on Miller Road <br />and she requested the Clerk to inquire about the maintenance request that had <br />been presented by Helen Hines on SR 1752. <br />Commissioner Walker left the meeting due to the fact that he had an <br />emergency at home.; <br />.Chairman Garrett recognized Clayton Haithcock, former Zoning Officer. <br />i <br />Mr. Haithcock presented the following plats: <br />Elmer 0. Pendergraft, Chapel Hill Township, dated November 14, 1974. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Whitted, seconded by Commissioner Kinney, <br />it was moved and adopted, that said plat be approved. <br />William J. Miller, Pleasant Grove Raad, Eno Township, dated January 13, <br />1975. <br />Mr. Haithcock stated that this plat was approved subject to the fact that <br />the 0.27 acne tract shown. on the plat was being added to the property owned by <br />Mount Gilead Baptist Church. <br />