Orange County NC Website
The Orange County Board of Gommissioners met on Tuesday, January 21, 1975, at <br />8 P,M. in the Commissioners Room at the Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina, <br />Members Present: Chairman Flora Garrett, Commissioners Norm Gustaveson, Jan <br />Pinney, Norman Walker, and Richard E. Whitted, <br />Members Absent: Nvne, <br />S. M. Gatos, County Administrator, Neal Evans, Fiscal Officer, A, B. Coleman, Jr <br />County Attorney, and Betty June Hayes, Clerk to the Board, were also present. <br />Chairman Garrett inquired of the Board if they would agree to defer from the <br />Agenda to allow C. W. Davis to make a presentation. The Board agreed to defer from <br />the Agenda, <br />Mr. Davis requested the Board to consider allowing Union Grove Methodist Church <br />to.file tax form AB'10 for 1975, He stated that the Church trustees were not aware of <br />this exemption and, therefore, the deadline for filing the proper form was not met. <br />The Board referred the matter to Bi11 Laws, Assistant Tax Supervisor, <br />Chairman Garrett referred the Board to Item ~~1 on the Agenda: (Russell <br />Nicholson: North Carolina Civil Preparedness Agency to make a short presentation <br />concerning Civil Preparedness.) <br />Russell Nicholson, Jim Buffalo, David Britt and Burch Compton, Civil Defense <br />Director were present. <br />A detailed program and discussion on the needs of Civil Preparedness were <br />presented by these representatives. It was pointed out that the County could <br />employ a full-time coordinator and secretary and that the Federal Government would <br />assist in the training and finances of a permanent Civil Preparedness Department. <br />Chairman Garrett asked, "Could we coordinate this into one Center?" <br />Mr. Britt replied, "It certainly can be done, of course, you would be working with <br />a different State Agency and very probably another Federal Agency involved. I will <br />not attempt to speak to their role or preempt them in any manner. However, the role of <br />Civil Preparedness is to coordinate all public functions within a jurisdiction. They <br />don't direct anything, you as elected officials direct. <br />The Federal Government has many programs and the State in turn administers or <br />supports or adds to some of these programs. The decision on where to locate and how <br />to operate belongs to Local Government. You could have an Emergency Operating Center <br />in which medical commupication of medical directions could be brought to bear from <br />that location the same as your Sheriff, your fire, your Rescue, as every other service <br />you perform in your jurisdiction, could be done fron one center and this we recommend, <br />its economical to begin with. It would give you a facility where you could gather <br />together portions or all of these services at any time you choose. With the <br />communications and facilities you could make your decisions and give your directions. <br />To answer your question directly 'Yes Ma'am, it can all be placed in one facility if <br />that is your decision',:' <br />Chairman Garrett asked "What about half the cost of matching cost from the <br />Federal Government?" Mr. $ritt replied, "When you get into matching funds the Federal <br />Government will not allow any Federal money to match Federal money. Now Emergency <br />Medical Service could put a certain amount of money in the facility and Civil Preparedness <br />could put a certain amount in it. You would have to add up how many total dollars <br />were Federal and Local must match that Proportionate share that is prescribed by each <br />of the Federal Agencies. In the case of Civil Preparedness it is fifty (50%) per cent. <br />I won't speak to the others because I might be wrong, but I do know you cannot match <br />Federal money with Federal monies. It has to be Local vs: Federal. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item ~~2 on the Agenda: (Mr, Fred Parker: Orange <br />County Emergency Medical Services Council to review the goals of this Council and tv <br />discuss their implementation.) <br />Fred Parker, Dick $eauchane, Mary Davison and Dr. Tom Griggs of the Orange County <br />Emergency Medical Service Council were present. <br />_, These representatives were present to request that Orange County commit itself <br />to participate in a Emergency Communication System, which is in the initial design stages. <br />It was pointed out that this Emergency. Communication System would tie in with the needs <br />that had been previously presented by the representatives from North Carolina Civil <br />Preparedness Department. <br />