Minutes - 19750106
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19750106
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The Orange County Board of Commissioners met on Monday, January 6, 1975, in the <br />Commissioners Room, in the Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina at 10 o'clock <br />A.M. <br />Members Present: Chairman Flora Garrett, Commissioners Norm Gustaveson, Jan <br />Pinney, Norman Walker, and Richard E. Whitted. <br />Members Absent: None. <br />S. M. Gattis, County Administrator, Neal Evans, Fiscal Officer, A. B. Coleman, <br />Jr., County Attorney, and Betty June Hayes, Clerk were also present. <br />The Baard reviewed the minutes of December 2nd, 12th, and 17th. After the <br />Clerk was instructed to make several corrections it was moved by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner Whitted, that the minutes of December 2nd, <br />12th, and 17th meetings be approved. <br />Due to the fact that the minutes of December 16th, 23rd, and 30th were not <br />presented to the Board until their arrival at this Soaxd meeting, it was agreed <br />that these minutes would be reviewed prior to their acceptance. <br />Chairman Garrett stated that if it met with the approval of the Board, the <br />Board would deviate from the prepared Agenda in order to hear the presentation of <br />road matters. The Board agreed with this procedure. <br />Chairman Garrett recognized Betsy Farrington. Mrs. Farrington stated that <br />the Right of Way could now be secured for SR ~~1945 and that she wanted to have a <br />Right of Way Agent contact her at the earliest possible date. Mrs. Farrington <br />was advised that it would be desirable for her to personally contact S._H. Jones, <br />District Engineer, at his office in Graham. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated it had been brought to his attention that <br />the shoulders on the Smith Level Road were extremely low and that several accidents <br />had been caused by this condition. <br />The Clerk advised the Board that she would contact Steve Chapel, Superintendent <br />of the Local Highway Maintenance Group. <br />Commissioner Pinney stated another matter relative to the need for a stop sign <br />at the intersection of SR X1751 and SR ~~1752 had been brought to his attention by <br />Paul Minor. <br />The Glerk.was instructed to write the Department of Transportation-requesting <br />that stop signs be installed at this intersection. <br />Chairman Garrett stated that Helen Hines, of SR ~~1752, had contacted her <br />relative to the need for maintenance on said road. <br />The Clerk was requested to contact the Department of Transportation on this <br />matter. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item ~kl on the Agenda: (Community Development Act: <br />A. Any additional information Mark Burnham has to report. B. Any other matters <br />concerning this program.) <br />Earl McKee, Marilyn Riddle, and Tom Bacon, members of the Community Development <br />Act Task Force, were present. <br />Earl McKee was the spokesman for the Group and he stated that the following six <br />(6) items were the suggestions that had been formulated by the Task Force. Mr. <br />McKee said that these suggestions, however, were subject to be changed as the Task <br />Force planned to hold a Public meeting prior to making any concrete recommendations. <br />He then proceeded to list the six (6) items. They were; Water Sewerage Treatment <br />and Disposal for outlying areas, Fire Protection, Garbage in addition to Greenboxes, <br />Housing Rehabilitation and Inspection, Community Centers and Health Care in addition <br />to current programs it was: brought out that certain codes should be adopted. Specific <br />reference was made to the Plumbing Code. <br />Chairman Garrett referxed to Item ~~2 on the Agenda: (Social Services Director, <br />- Tom Ward, reporting on Food Stamp Program). <br />Chairman Garrett xecognized Tom Ward, Director of Social Services. Mr. Ward <br />filed a Food Stamp Report from the Orange County Department of Social 5exvices. Said <br />report showed. that due to the increase of Feod Stam Applicants his current staff <br />was being required to work an additional twenty (20~ hours per week. The overtime <br />t paid staff members amounted to approximately 100 hours during the month of December. <br />
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