Orange County NC Website
(February 6t_. I939) t~ <br />3~i~utes of the Board of Corc.::issianers cf Cra:-:ge Countyc <br />:-"''--„~ti" F~R~~?`=-6th '939 <br />.'"re Bcard~mct =± the :~:ual QU=' ,_resE~t " iss ar_ers.J 9 ~ s u:d $en.F ~ ipso ,Gorr- <br />- mi z nar obb,be~._g ab a:t.The n notes oP tra Ja, n S m t ng e e read an ay,_.o~ <br />a ,E~ flan tc t're „ate ~ •a Co..,- icr_, o r a^a ~a~rtain a '•cad zr ~'ar ~ <br />rev. ,n r_~p,Bzrinnir:~ on State r_igh~ay r?c i03,:_...._ng toVthe high rccek _.cad at ~r_e _.rm. <br />of Krs Jes fie ririte,is -...reby a~.-~ioved, and ard_re_ _~.:t at a: c.. to ti=e Division Engineer <br />at Graensb ro.N.::., as;::_ng that he rave locating -ngineer lock over the read at cncE. <br />:aa ret'ticr tc the State Fi r ~~ C -i o from Citize:.s of ro ~o1rr.~n r,as rg tra` <br />tre old Cx or3 road,nea.' lea.,.:.t Grc..., ~~ ~,,:. ~a _'r.e lk:rh~ -aad,be ~a:r.~a.:...w by t.:e . tae <br />is hereby _-~xcved and orderd sent tc i:r .,A Buren Division ::rgiiYner at Greenshero,l?.C„ <br /> than rie rave ? casting --ngineer look ever ti:i~ raad at once. <br />A Roa pat"tiOYi to the : tatar_i~h•.aay Comnissior. for a Road at John h.iiler's in Cheeks» <br />~."; _ ,: a,tY:E :arm aP :yrs ~estbr.. :cs to tl:e Ei6iY :ock Read :;agr the farm of l~`rs,Ccble <br />iS .,h Erebyy .p`:rCV ed, 3nC: Order Ed Bent t0 tYle Di Fl Si.Un Lngi YaEEr at .~'rreEYiSDOra,UrgiLg tt:fit <br />the lccat'ng .'`.gent investigate tl:is petition. <br />Y =toad pet'tior _rcm Li~:.tla fiver ~:titers to the State Hight:ay Ccrmissic:i to c1,er. up,and <br />ra-intaira a shcrtYr¢ad ,_unYiing Tram Jro.R `;silsons farm to the 21i?ion Road is hereby ap- <br />praved and orue*_~'d sent to the Division Bngineer at Greensboro, :z~^oino that t.:e locatina- <br />3sE•a lo::i=. this road o°: Er as ear~,y as po. Bible. <br />a RCad pet ._.. _. t0 the .tats :y7: .`'~. ar.'~..*"i° i0 ".,:r 't'~en3 0.' ='!"'_: .C"+Pn Stli^ asi.i ne that <br />~Y.a ."aad OEM ~-iden -~t art dj+P,Or'_i t18 cr~rO. ~: aad /18ading :.rOr1 3par:"0.'+S Fil:ing Stat- <br />ioa ar St~tE°.igh~ ay ?~Tc IC, :o t-t :e:..aan ;r::rch.Cr_ motion it - :~ErE:,y approve a::- o:^_ <br />...,_..:, to =_ sEnt to t-4- D.4iSi0n :~rginEe_ that he 'nave this road lookadY.::to at <br />ono.,. <br />A =toad _ - _. tc the Stat:: :igh~aay Commission, fron ..:peeks o~,nship itiza.s,as`r;in~. <br />that sae ~±e~tar.., e and ~,airtain a .... .. .g .o... ,°3'- .-utchfi8~ds :aai' box <br />_._.Ebyy - :;vC_._t_? ~ ad Y:3 din o en a, rcvad, - efar is again ....t to the Division <br />LnginEer v~ging that r., havE the D~cating -~°~gineer Look :nis road ever at oncE. <br />~, ~ Road petition as sir .,..,. Stater_;~h+~ay Cosmissicn to open - a: d -,:rar a road 'wading - <br />'_ W tii" ierad Sara~l+t_c to:fix ?-d ~EWeter nsar Creevs ,Tossing is appr~~ <br />Ed a::d erd red went to the•JDivision rgi..~.._ at lreensbaro,N,C <br />a a,.:i _ „c to ti.e ~._te fiigh~+ay CoY~i~sion prom Ci~zers .._ Cedsr .-.rave Taeersx:°_- <br />as_:ing it.. o -_.e ever n: ~a a:n oac ors t:lE farm of ,.:- s i.:an_cE <br />.__an~an~ i_r., Ju:i::s R ~llen.`a.... at~:s to ~._e verso: llnn~- line is t_ercb,~ a__;rared <br />a.:i and°rE' sent ~., tine District Division Dngireer recuesting t'.-at the :.ocatiag Bngixi°er <br />'~at~ as Early as -;ossible. <br />:~ Petition to the Stet:, ighi°toy mom:~,ia~_en to ~co:: over a short atrEtc?~ of =..,..d,~ro_~ <br />the '.pest H'llsbcrc Sc'r_ocl building to `~~addel3 Store,urging the danger and needces~ity <br />of this =-c d is hereby ap,~rcved and ordered sent t® the Division Dn;inaer as_;ing that <br />re have th. Locating _1~inaer go over t::is read at Once. <br />„_.:not.,,_; t is r.ErEby ordered tr:at JesseE K :.:cBro,.rn(calarEd) be pet...,__.,,r~ly ere-Wpt fro: <br />~oyii:g Pcl - ts~: cn account of h a-ving Infantile ?aralywis. <br />:~i~s :.dace D ne3co:ebe ~:tee D'~,orstration agent .,ubu::.iite3 a dEtailed ~.nthl;;° r ,ort of <br />ail JaTiu3r" aOtivitlES .a;.-art of t.1:E Cur'~'i y-ar'.~;at aal.3sand ail meeti:'1gS.~ c:it1 3n Expense <br />....cunt of K2.39 far ~~terials and wI6.80 for Clerical izeln..he re_art is rereby aye-,o~d <br />ardor=. fi ed ..ith the -roper re=,orts and the bills orde_a} said. <br />„_, motian is hereby cr3er.Ct1 that Jet:r:, "-_'c a ':'ar]~'IIar veteran d_arring Compensation <br />f__ ?r;;~si al disabilit~-~be permanently exg~t frou: p;°ving Pail tax and rewired to .. <br />~..::. ..... :n~:,ion a,.rt~:fiaa*_e each year to. tl.e ~o~;r.sh_p Tax .Taster. <br />,_r;Don.S ~a±'_:elan Cavnty Farra .ben';. 3~0:::`_.te. a c:._ ete illst__~sd _eyoort of ail i:or'_c <br />~_' in Orange aurty~b;; ..iTM a_nd :is staf~.T'r_E .4~ is highly cow:.:.ended and „r-_ered _iied <br />fir. Raport ock *?o .-of epee .1 ..epor,.~ <br />°..~ °~ ,'~C :;t;y~ CC.O~`~::a a-:~xtte3 a car^~iEa'.. B',:G.get :32;QT_'t 3[10,~ing t1E as~~U=tS '.~-tart <br />:::: tze a::: ants dne~acn O..:cial ar. ~e_ar~Went as of Febru~ry fist I939.T:eport is herE <br />by ado_ted aid ,rde- .led <br />r <br /> <br />