Orange County NC Website
Liinutes of the Board of Commisioners of Orange County, <br />;~=# <br />BEanday January 2nd I939 <br />The Board met at he usual hour ,present Commissioners.Ben.F Wilson,J.Ed.Laws. <br />and Dr Collier Cobb.The minutes of the December meeting were read. and approved. <br />On motion it is hereby ordered that S.T Latta paid ~2u/00 for four sheep <br />killed by dogs same haviag listed for taxes at this am}~unt.This to be paid from <br />the special dog tax fund. <br />A Road petition to the State Highway Commission was presented by Rev.S,F Nicks <br />for a road near the old James Nicks home,the same is hereby approved and deliv <br />ered to Rev.Nicka who will preb@nt the same to the State High say Board at the <br />District meeting in Hillsboro on January 9th. <br />No tics was received Yrem Hom.S,M Bastin State Highway District Chairman start <br />ing that the Board would meet in Hillsboro on Janua~y~9th and the Board of Or- <br />ange Ccunty Commissieners decided to meet at I.30 to confer with the District <br />Board ae 8o the Orange County Roads and to ascertain so far as possible a bet <br />er understanding with the District Board. <br />e <br />Liss Grace E Holcombe Home Demonstration submitted a detaild report of <br />all December activities, with a report of the Orange County Curb market at <br />Chapel Hi11,N,C. which sold during the mcnth,' of December. prcduce etc to the <br />mQvnt of ~957,I5- also expense acct for material used of°~2.37 and an acct, <br />for Clerical help of ~I 0 the report is hereby approved and the accounts orders <br />paid, and report filed with the proper reports. <br /> <br />~, <br />i ; <br />The Grand~ury repcrt for the December Term was presented to the Board by the <br />Clerk of the Court said rep~~eccmmmenda some minor repairs at the County Hone,; <br />that new Chairs he installed or the Jurors, the old chairs being so uncomfortable <br />and further reccommends that enough cf the front benches in the Court reem be Ss <br />cushio t accommodate the Jurors who are not in the box. The said Jury also <br />reccommn~that a $rand3ury be drawn to serve for I2 months the first nine,~to <br />serve for s1z months and the seEond nine for twelve months ae we beleive the <br />County will have a far more efficient Grand-Jury,The Board after discussion,on i <br />motion of Commissioner Cobb,duly seconded by commissioner Wilson, and unanimous <br />ly adopted all members being present and voting the affirmative the said report <br />is hereby adopted-and the County Atty.Hon.A.H Graham s instructed to prepare I <br />the proper bill for Legislativve enactment. <br />G,W Ray County accountant submitted a complete report of all Bgdget appropria -` <br />tions and the amount: used by each as of December ._3lst I938. ~ <br />The Tax Collector submitted a report ahcwing a total tax Charge in Orange- <br />(County for I938 taxes ofaI55,674.37.~with ccllections,releasea: and discounts to <br />''an.I-I939 of y"y75,042,I7- leaving an uncollected balance due January I~I939 <br />of X80.632,20 ~ <br />The following resolution was duly offered by Ccmmissio~:er'r'7ilson, and sec- <br />onded by Commissioner Cobb,and unanimously adopted with all members being press <br />and voting in the af~irmative, <br />':+"FiEREAS,under Section I9,of Chapter I46,Public Laws of I927,as <br />ar,emded known as"Zhe County Fiscal Control Act"this board has selected and de <br />ignated the Farsaers and_-=erchants Bank of Hillsboro,N.C.,and Durham Bank. and <br />Trust Company(Hillsboro Branch)as Official Depositories oY the funds of the -- <br />County for the period beginning the 5th dap oY December I938,and ending on the <br />2nd day of December I940, and said banks have as security for the protection of <br />the funds deposited therein ,furnished the bonds described opposite their respe <br />tine nanes,below,whiIDh bonds oY the kind and amounts described in the aforesaid <br />Section I9,and have b?en approved by the Local Gmvernment Commission by a let <br />ter d~d 1st=day of December 1936,3 copy of which letter is attached hereto an <br />a~de a part of the record as provided in Section 32, of Chapter 60,Public Lawa <br />[93I,as a~emded, and known as the" Looal Giovernment Act" <br />~: .. _ _ ~ OLT I1NED NE%T PAGF~ = <br />