Minutes - 19740611
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19740611
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} ~~.~ <br />Meetings ware also scheduled Por Monday, Juae 17th and Thursday, June 20th. <br />There being no further business to Dome before the Hoard the meeting wee <br />adjourned. <br />C. Norman Walker, Chairman <br />S. M. Gattia,.Acting Clerk <br />MTN9T&5 OF THE ORANGB COUPPI'Y <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONF~S <br />June 11, 1974 <br />The Board oP Commissioners of Orange County met on Tuesday, June 11, 1974, <br />at 8 P.M. in the Commisaicnera Room at the Courthouse in Hillsborough, North <br />Carolina. <br />Members Prsaent: Chairman Norman walker, and Commissioners Henry S. walker, <br />Flora Garrett and Richard Whitted. <br />Members Absent: Commissioner Melvin Whitfield. <br />S. M. Gattis, County Administrator, and Betty June Hayes, Clerk to the Board, <br />ware also present. <br />The purpose of this meeting was to hear the 1971.-1975 Budget request Prom the <br />County School Hoard, the Diatriat Health Department, and the Orange»Peraon Health <br />Center. <br />Chairman walker recognized George Williams, Superintendent oP the School Unit, <br />and Roland Scott, Chairman oP the School Board. ~, Sue Loftin, H. 4. Coleman, Jr., <br />Richard Simpson, and Oscar Compton, members of the School Board were present as was <br />A. C. Crowder, Assistant Superintendent oP Schoala. <br />A copy oP the school unit's budget reaueat wsa presented to the Board. The <br />reeueat amounted to $1.7 million Por the county school system. Tho total capital <br />outlay amounted to $$20,000. This money will be used Por the construction of s <br />new elementary school and an addition to Central gindergarten, $5,000 oP the money <br />will be applied towards the plena Por a new band building at the Orange High School. <br />Tha current expense provides Por fine new teachers and three new high school <br />teachers, a 7.5 per Dent increase in teachers' salaries and a new Administrative <br />Assistant position. <br />Chairman Walker recognized Dr. 0. David Gaxwin. Dr. Garvin stated that a twc <br />sent increase per mile in travel expenses and the 7.5 per sent salary raise had caused <br />the budget oP the Health Department to be greatley increased. He proceeded to site <br />the problems that were being eaconntered in the administering oP his budget due to <br />the Peat that his department was a Diatriat department. He stated that the salary <br />increases and the travel slloaatiow Por eeah county in the district must be the <br />same and 'that none oP the employees under hie furisdiation had hospital insurance <br />because all of the counties would not agree to providing this benefit, however, he <br />would like to have this .benefit extended to the Health Department employees SP he <br />could secure the permission Prom each Board oP Commissioners. The increase is the <br />Health Department budget wsa due to the Fact of the 7.5 percentage granted by the <br />General Assembly and the increase is the'trevel allowance. There would be no increase <br />in the personnel, however, the total budget request amounted to $10~,000.DD. <br />Chairman Walker recognized Pat Walton, Director oP the Orange-Person-Chatham <br />Mental Health Center. Mrs. Walton reviewed the services now being presented by her <br />Department and cited new programs whioh the Center hoped to institute. She stated, <br />however, that the Center wsa encountering difficulty in the counties aP Chatham <br />and Person relative to budget auto and that these acts would definitely affect <br />the types oP services that could be rendered in the three county area. She pointed <br />out that Orange County wsa receiving the greater portion oP the Mental Health <br />Services, therefore, the request Por this county was larger than for the other two <br />counties. The budget that wsa presented by the Mental Health Center amounted to <br />$10'1,800.00. Mra. Walton stated the increase was due to salary inoreasea and the <br />decline in Federal grant money. <br /> <br />_~ <br />
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