Minutes - 19740527
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19740527
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Membera Present: Chairman C. Norman Walker, and Commissioners Henry 3. <br />Walker, Flora Garrett, Richard F. Whiffed, and Melvin Whitfield. <br />i~ Membera Absent: None. <br />S. M. Gattis, County Manager, and Betty June Hayes, Clerk to the Board <br />were also present. - <br />The Orange County Planning Board wsa preaent as was Clagton Haithcoak, <br />the Planning OFFicer. <br />Chairman Walker read the announcement of the duly called Publio Hearing <br />that had been scheduled for this time and place. <br />"To All Parties in interest sad other citizens <br />Take aotioe that a public hearing will be held at 8:00 P. M. Monday, <br />Hay 27, 1974, at the Courthouse in Hillsborough in the Superior Ccurtroom <br />for the following purposes: <br />1. To consider rezoning a 10 acre tract of land belonging to Samuel <br />and kl3aabsth Putnam located on Damasoue Churah road from its preaent <br />nlassiciation to Planned IInit Development. <br />2. To aanaider amet~dmenta to the Orange County Subdivision Ordinance <br />Concerning roads." <br />Chairman Walker then turned the meeting over to Charles Johnston, <br />Chairman of the County Planning Board. Chairman Johnston proceeded to conduct <br />the Public Hearing. <br />For the minutes of the Public Hearing you are hereby referred to the <br />Minute Docket of the County Planning Board. <br />Chairman Johnston then turned the meeting back to Chairman Walker. <br />Chairman Walker inanired it there was say other business that ahauld coma <br />before the Boards. There being na Further buaineea.he adjourned the Publio <br />Hearing. <br />The members oP the Board of Commissioners re-convened at 9:30 P. M. Par <br />~975pCurp~o~e Su reviewing items they wished to place in the forthcoming 1974- <br />y d6®t. <br />Chairman Walker stated the purpose of this meeting wsa to discuss items <br />that the Board wanted to see included in the 1974-1975 County Budget. He <br />requested eaoh Board member express their opinions on the matter, however, <br />it wsa agreed that the Couatq Administrator should first make a report on the <br />items that were being included in the proposed budget. <br />Mr. R~attis stated he Pelt the Board must consider the proposals that <br />would be made by the Recreation Study Committee and that at this time we have <br />no indication of the amoemt of money the committee will recommend for this <br />program. Re continued by saying the Board had instructed him to place the <br />matter of constructing a new dog pound in the budget. The amount of Chia <br />expenditure has not been determined as the Board had not expressed its wishes <br />on the type of pound it would prefer. Hs advised the Board that one oP the <br />3anitariana and the Dog Warden planned to inspect a facility in Asheboro <br />sometime during this next week. <br />Chairman Walker then requested each Board member to make. recomtaendatiana. <br />Commissioner Flora Garrett gave her opinions. She stated her list of conoern <br />- included the employing of a Platwer, Office Building and Jail, and help the <br />County Administrator, either an Assistant County Manager oP FYsoal Oftiasr. <br />Commissioner Richard E. Whined stated he Pelt the County Administrator <br />Headed additional personnel, there was a need Por a Planning OPfiaer, a Fieoal <br />Officer, County Ottiae Building sad County JaSl. He said he felt the Board <br />needed to take s look at revenue sharing and where the Board wanted this money <br />spent. <br />Commissioner Melvin Whitfield stated the other members had listed the <br />items that he would have covered and that these items had been discussed, <br />however, by virtue of the toot that he had been is sad out oP the aourthouae <br />frequently during the peat months he had found that office space was needed <br />and that help for the County Manager was needed. <br />The Board agreed that a new oPPiae building was Headed, however, eaoh <br />member recognized that the public would not neceaserily agree with this decision. <br />
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