Orange County NC Website
S~ /~~ <br />'`' P4T_'~TUTES OF THE ORANGE COIITdTX <br />30ARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />. 2+Iay 21, 1974 <br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange Co arty met at 8 P.M, an Tuesday, T_4ay 21, <br />197u, in regular session in the Commissioners Room of the Courthouse in Hillsborough, <br />North Carolina. <br />Members Present: Chairman C. Norman Walker, and Commissioners Henry S. Walker, <br />Flora Garrett, Richard E. ?+iYiitted, and T4elvin 'rhitfield. <br />Members Absent: Nona. <br />Chairman Walker stated that with the permission of the Board he would like to <br />recognize Mrs. Henry ?dalkar as she had a presentation she wished to make to the <br />3oard. It~was agreed that Mr a. ?dalker should be allowed to speak. Mrs. Walker - <br />stated that she Bras affiliated with The American national Cvw3ellas, Inc. and that <br />this organization was sponsoring a "BEEF FOR FATHER+S DAY" and that in order to <br />officially proclaim Sune as the month of BEEF FOR FATH~+S DAX she had the following <br />proclamation that she wished to have adopted by the Hoard. Chairman Walker read the <br />following proclamation: <br />"WHEREAS the Beef Industry is one of the most important segments of <br />the economy of North Carolina; and <br />WHEREAS beef is one of the most nutritious foods, rich in protein <br />and all health-building factors, scientifically proven to <br />be beneficial to people oP all agar, from the very young <br />to the very old; and <br />WRER,v,A3 it is important that the people of County <br />recognize the importance of beef in the everyday life of <br />our citizens; and <br />WHEiF,AB Father+s Day, rune 16, 1974, is an appropriate time to <br />honor the beef industry and its contribution to the strength <br />and weifara of our. great state and nation: <br />NOW, THEREFORE, I, Commissioner of the County <br />of State of orth Carolina, DO Hrr-'RAY <br />Proclaim the use of <br />3E~' FOR FATHER'S DAY <br />on Suns lb, 197L}. I respectfully urge all business <br />organizations, producers and consumers to cooperate in <br />the observance of BEEF FOR FATHEP."S DAY, and urge the <br />serving of beef in all homes or_ this day, that beef may <br />have its rightful place among foods served on special <br />days, and the importance of the beef industry to our <br />state's economy be recognized. <br />TN WITNESS 'rIHEREOF, 2 have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal <br />of the County of to be affixed." <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Richard E. Whittad, seconded by Co:r.:nissionar Melvin <br />Whitfield, the proclamation entitled "BEEF FOR FATHER+S DAY" was adopted. <br />Tors. Walker thanked the Board for their cooperation in this matter. <br />Chairman Walker referred the Board to Item 1 of the Agenda: (County School <br />Superintendent To D3sauss Summer Recrsation Program.) <br />George Tr7illiams, Superintendent of the Orange County School Unit, Charles <br />Crowder, Assistant Superir_tandent, and A7,1ene Rap, Membsr of the Recreation Study <br />Committee were present, Mr. Williams stated that the Summa-~ Recreation Program <br />that had been presented by ?•;dward Mann, Chairman of the County Recreation Study <br />Committee, was what he hoped to accomplish during the months of ~7une, Su1y and <br />August. He then proceeded to recite how he planned to institute the program and <br />the staff that would be needed to institute tho program. He filed the following• <br />report: <br />PROPOSED SUMI~R RECRTJs`^ION AND ARTS AND CRAFTS PROGRAMS FOR 1971{. AS <br />REca,UESTED BY RECREATION COMMISSION <br />Locations <br />(1) Grady Brown Gymnasium and adjoining fields and outside courts. <br />(2) Stanback School Gymnasium and adjoining fields and outside courts. <br />(3) Northern Drange (if appraved) <br />(1}) Arts and Crafts at above locations <br />