Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />~w~• <br />MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COIINTX <br />BOARD OF COMMISBIDNERS <br />April 16, 1974 <br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange County met ir_ regular session in the <br />Commissioners Room of the Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina on Tuesday, <br />April 16, 1974, at $ o'clock P.M. <br />Members Present: Chairman C, Norman Walker and Commissioners Henry S. <br />Walker, Richard E. Whitted, Flora Garrett and Melvin Whitfield. <br />Members Absent: None. <br />Chairman Walker referred to Item I of the Agenda: (District Court Probation <br />Director: To discuss office space and an additional probation officer in Orange <br />County.) <br />Chairman Walker recognized Ronald Brown, Probation Officer, who introduced <br />Frank Bright, a Supervisor oP the State Probation Department. Mr. Bright outlined <br />the work load that was currently being carried by the two Probation Officers and <br />stated that due to this work load an additional Probation Officer was being <br />assigned to Drange County. He said he was present to request that the County <br />provide office apaae fvr this new employee and to further request that office <br />apaae be made available in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro area. Re stated that Budge <br />A11en had scheduled twp (2) additional days of court per month in this area and <br />that office space near the Court was a requirement of the General 8tatutea. <br />Discussion ensued concerning the lack of available office apaae near the court, <br />the financial coat of acquiring such space and the date of occupancy. The <br />County Administrator was authorized to secure office space for the Probation <br />Dffice near the court in Chapel Hill. <br />Chairman Walker referred to Item II of the Agenda: (Rural Fire Departments: <br />A brief report on the progress of these departments.) <br />Chairman Walker recognized Marion Clark, Secretarq of the Orange Rural Fire <br />Association. Mr. Clark stated that each of the rural fire departments wished to <br />present a report of the Association's activities. He stated that prior to <br />these reports he wished to bring to the attention of the 9oard aever3l recommendations <br />from the group. He stated that in order for the fire protection diatricta to <br />adequately provide service that it waa being recommended to the Board that the <br />County consider locating fire hydrants on all water lines that are installed in <br />the future and that service roads and/or ramps be installed at certain farm ponds, <br />creeks or lakes for the purpose of providing adequate water for the water tankers. <br />It was pointed out that time and water were necessary in fighting rural Pires. Mr, <br />Clark stated that it would also b® advantageous if a County wide communication <br />radio system could be provided for the rural fire departments. Discussion ensued <br />concerning the requests that had been presented by Mr. Clark. It waa agreed that <br />the Rural Fire Association would make a surveil of all available water sources and <br />would then present a plan for location of stations throughout the County. The <br />follovring persona presented reports: <br />Lindsay Efland of Efland Volunteer Fire Department said his group, which <br />started one and a half years ago, has 31 firemen. 'The department has two tankers, <br />a new radio system and 10 receivers. It answered 32 calls in 1973 and has answered <br />14 this year. <br />Chandler Cates of Drange Rural Fire Department said his groupp answered q7 <br />calls in the county and 22 in Hillsborough last year. They had 38 fire drills <br />and checked all hydrants in the district. Cates said Drange Grove Volunteer Fire <br />Department chartered 15 months ago, will have a special fire district election <br />May 7. <br />Stan Whitfield of New Hope Fire Department said his department has 30 men and <br />has a pumper and tanker on order. <br />J. G. Flowers of Eno Volunteer Fira Department, which has been operating 12 <br />year a, says that his 26 firemen are equipped with a piuaper and a tanker and 24 <br />monitors, They have ordered a combination tanker-pumper. <br />Chairman ?calker referred to Item III of the Agenda: (Manpower Consortium <br />Contract: Approval of amended contract.) <br />The County Administrator presented copies of the amended oontract. He noted <br />the previous areas of concern and read to the Board the portions of the contract <br />that had been amended. <br />