Orange County NC Website
..~.~ <br />MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTX <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />April 1, 1974 <br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange County met in Regular Session in the <br />Commissioners Room of the Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina on Mpnday, <br />April 1, 1971}, at 10 o~cloak A. M. <br />Members Present: Chairman C. Norman Walker and Commissioners Henry S. <br />[,calker, Melvin Whitfield and Richard E. whin ed. <br />Members Absent: Commissioner Flora Garrett. <br />The Board agreed to allow Finley Parker to present a request concerning <br />SR X1368.. Mr. Parker stated that this road was scheduled for stabilization and <br />that survey parties had been working on it until recently, however, soma of <br />the property owners on the right of way have not agreed with the States <br />relocation effort and now the survey parties have left the area. Mr. Parker <br />would like the County Commissioners assistance in determining the current status <br />of this stabilization effort. <br />Chairman Norman Walker suggested that the Clerk write Sam Jones, District <br />Engineer, requesting he let the Board know what the States plane are Pb~'this <br />road, with a copy being forwarded to Mr. Parker. Chairmen Walker also asked <br />the Clerk to write the 'local highway maintenance forces requesting them to check <br />the level of maintenance performed on this road. <br />Chairman Walker referred to Item ~1 of the Agenda: (Approval of Minutes of <br />February meetings. <br />Minutes not approved for February meetings. <br />Chairman Walker referred to Item #~2 of the Agenda: (District Health Officer <br />and renresentativea of the North Carolina Board of Water and Air Resources to <br />discuss waste water treatment in mobile home parks.) <br />Dr. 0. D. Garvin, District Health Officer, Joe Millsop, Regional ~gineer <br />of the State Board of Water and Air Resources, and H. Dobson and Tony Laws, <br />Sanitarians from the District Health Department, were present to discuss with the <br />board waste water treatment in Mobile Home Parks. This discussion stemmed from <br />specific complaints alledging raw sewage was seeping from Dixie, B & W and <br />Gardens Mobile Home Courts in Eno Township. <br />Dr. 0. D. Garvin opened the discussion by briefly describing the past history <br />of local sanitation laws. Years ago the local Health Department had sole <br />responsibility for enforcing the septic tank law. For some years not this <br />responsibility hoe been eroded until now the responsibility lies in the following <br />manner: <br />Board of Water and Air Resources <br />1. If you discharge into any stream <br />2. If you discharge more than 3000 gallons per day <br />Local Health Department <br />1. Any individual aeptia tank or filter apparatus discharging less than <br />3000 gallons per day below the ground surface. <br />Chairman Norman Walker then asked Dr. Garvin if he Pelt that B & W Mobile <br />Home Park was causing a health hazard. Dr. Garvin referred this.queation to Mr. <br />Dobson. Mr. Dobson stated that at present he felt the situation in B & W Mobile <br />Home Court was in fact a health hazard. Dr. Garvin then observed that ainae <br />B & W had recently been added to the Hillsborough water system this problem Mr. <br />~ Dobson had just identified would probably be compounded. <br />Chairman Norman Walker then asked Mr. Dobson were owners of hazardous <br />septic tanks uauslly co-operative when the Health Department requested these <br />conditions be remedied. Mr. Dobson stated this was usually the base. <br />Commissioner Richard Whitted turned the discussion to Cardona Mobile Homa <br />Park .and Dr. Vesiland Celiform Bacteria Count. At this point Mrs. Judy Holland <br />an associate of Dr. Vasiland advised the Board that Dr. Vesiland could not be at <br />the meeting today, however, he would be pleased to discuss this subject with the <br />board at another time or talk with any of them individually. <br />It seemed to be the consensus of opinion of Ike. Garvin, Mr. Millsop ar_d Mr. <br />Lbbson that without municipal type treatment being made available to these <br />mobile home parks the problems there were going to be almost impossible to correct. <br />In summary they were good examples of too much density. The soil is just <br />unable to handle this much effluent during a significate portion of each year. <br />Mark Burnham, Regional Planner with the Council of Governments, pointed out <br />that Humping the holding tanks at these parks and transporting the effluent to a <br />municipal sewage plant is a possible interim solution to this problem. <br />