Orange County NC Website
4a-6 AGENDA #4a2 <br />OFFICE OF THE MANAGER <br />405 arti~ Lutl~e~ rig, ~ji. Blvd. <br />~hap~l dill, N ~7~t4-~~05 <br />T'ele~ho~e ~9t9} 9G8~~743 <br />F~~ ~919~ ~6~-~0~3 <br />vvv.towt7of~ha~~ll~11~ afg <br />~eptenrzbez• ~ , ~~07 <br />Dr. David H. Moreau, chair <br />North Carolina Environmental iVlanagernent omission <br />16171VIai1 Service tenter <br />Raleigh, N X769-1~~7 <br />Mr, Rich Hannan <br />DENR -~ Division of water duality, Planning section <br />1 G ~ 7 Mail e~~vice Center <br />Ra,lcigh, ~N ~7~99-1 ~ 17 <br />.~~: ~`ou o~ ~r~~~~ ~r~~ 5~~~~ ~..~~~~s acv ~~~ ~~o~as~~ ~~.~~~~~ ~~~~ <br />~ ~r~~s ~a~ ~~~ ~, ~~~~~~ ~Io~~v ~~~ ~o~~ <br />]dear Dr, Moreau and Mr. Hannan: <br />Enclosed are can~.ents frarrl the Town of Chapel Hill staff regarding the proposed Nutrient <br />1Vlanaement Strategy Rules ~"Jordan Rules"} for the B. Everett Jordan Reservoir. fur <br />comments and questions involve elements of the Jordan Rules that require further <br />clarificationleplanation, requirements in the Jordan Rules that are contradictory andlor will <br />impair the ability of local governments to achieve reasonable compliance, and issues that need <br />farther consideration and study to assure that the most practical and effective approaches are <br />implemented to reduce nutrient levels and algal blaon~s in the Reservoir. <br />we strongly support the over-arching goals of ipraving the water quality of the B, Everett <br />Jo~•dan Reservoir and ipro~ring the health of the streams f lowing to the reservoir. The Town of <br />Chapel Hi11 has been a leader among local governments in supporting the goals of water quality <br />protection as demonstrated through irnplen~entation of a number of environmental protection <br />initiatives over the past qua~•ter centu.~{y. During this time, the Tawn Council and. staff have <br />c~•eated and refined local development ordinances that reflect current scientific understanding of <br />envlrol~nental processes, the latest engineering practices, and the in~pot•tance of environmental <br />quality and protection as enaphasl~ed m the Town's Corrrprehensive Plan. e have involved the <br />public at all levels of this process, from holding public hearings aiad receiving public comment, <br />to sollclt~ng review and caminent by Town Boards and Comn~tsslons, <br />we are concerned, however, that the Town's established and continuing pia-active <br />environmental protection efforts have not been acknowledged in the process of devising methods <br />far managing water• quality in Jordan Reservoir. This is especially e~rident in the selection of the <br />baseline~s~ proposed for measuring compliat~ce with the rules, since the Town's initiatives prior <br />to im.plc~nentation of the rules would x•eceive no credit, <br />we believe that the contr•al of nutrients solely through the management of starmwater runoff and <br />point source discharges will fail to significantly improve floe reservoir's water q~lality. e think <br />