Orange County NC Website
~~~ <br />MINUTE CP THE ORANGE COUNTY <br />30ARD CF COMMISSIONERS <br />March 1~, 1971y <br />The 5oard of 6ommissioners of Cranga County met in Regular Session in the. <br />Commissioners Room oP the Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina on Monday, <br />March 1~, 1974, at 1C o'clock A,M, <br />Members Present: Chairman C. Norman Walker and Commissioners Henry S. Walker, <br />Flora Garrett, Mel+xin Whitfield and Richard E. whitted. <br />Members Absent: None. <br />In the absence of the Clerk the County Administrator, ~. M. Gattia, recorded <br />a vortion of the minutes and the other portion was recorded by the Clerk. <br />The minutes of the February meetings were read and approved. <br />Chairman'Walker referred the Board to Item ~:1 of the Agenda: (Charles Martin <br />To Discuss merger of County and Chapel Hill Council on Aging.) <br />Dr. Charles Martin, Executive Secretary of the Orange County Council on the <br />Aging, spoke to the Board oP County Commissioners explaining the proposed merger <br />of the Cranga County and Chapel Hill Counaila on the aging. The combined councils <br />will retain their present office spaces in Chapel Hill and Orange County and <br />their present personnel. Dr. Martin ea Executive Secretary of the oombined <br />council will divide his time between the Cranga County and Chapel Hi11 offiaea. <br />Ih~, Martin further explained that in order to merge the two councils into one <br />the State Council on the Aging is requiring letters of committment from all <br />agenaiea involved in funding thin council, stating that their funding level for <br />1974=1975:..wi11 not be reduced below the level they provided in the 1973-1974 <br />Fiscal year. <br />Cvmmisaionar Richard E. Whitted, Chairman of the County Council on the Aging, <br />stated the County Council fully endorsed the proposed merger. <br />Commissioner Flora Garrett asked Dr. Martin about the R•S,V,P• Program being <br />offered at present in Chapel Hill. Dr. Martin stated that the R.S.V.P. Program <br />would not become a funeticn of the County Council on the Aging as it was being <br />funded under Title 7 oP the Older Americana Act, while this Council was being <br />funded under Title 3 of the same sot. <br />Commissioner Henry 5. Walker asked Dr. Martin how large was the Federal Grant <br />involved in this program. Dr. Martin stated that Federal Funds came to $23,394 <br />which repxesenta fifty=seven_(57~) percent of this total budget. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Richard E. Whitted, seconded by Commissioner <br />Flora Garrett, it was moved that the Orange County and Chapel Hill Councils on the <br />Aging be merged. <br />Chairman Walker called for a vote on the motion. Commissioners Richard E. <br />Whitted, Flora Garrett, Henry S, Walker, Melvin Whitfield and Chairman C, Norman <br /> voted aye. There were no nays. Chairman Walker then declared the motion <br />passed. <br />Chairman Walker referred to Item ,',f2 of the Agenda: (Chairman, Carrboro <br />Planning Board: Mr. Donald Wilhoit to discuss possible extension of Carrboro <br />Planning duriadiction.) <br />Mr. Don Wilhoit, Chairman of the Carrboro Planning Soard, spoke to the Board <br />about extending jurisdiction of the Carrboro Zoning Program to include the <br />University Lake tdater Shed. Mr. Wilhoit said Carrboro's long range plans call <br />for water and sewer extension into this area. It would seem logical'.therefore for <br />this area to be in the Carrboro Planning Area. He further stated that at present <br />the chloroform bacteria level in University Lake water is at Pifty (50~) percer_t <br />of the allowable limit for an A-2 water supply, it would seem prudent to impose <br />more stringent land uae controls in this area. Mr. Wilhoit then gave the Soard <br />of Commissioners a map showing the area he suggested be included in the enlarged <br />Carrboro Planning Area• Mr. Wilhoit explained the circumstances leading to the <br />present time. He stated that the Town of Carrboro realized that the approval of <br />the Board must be aenured in order to insure the passage of the proposed legislation. <br />He said that he would rather have the matter submitted for study than have it kSlled. <br />The Commissioners expressed their individual opinions on the matter. All agreed <br />that further study was needed. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Henry S• Walker, seconded by Commissioner Melvin <br />Whitfield, it was moved and adopted that action on the Extension of the Carrboro <br />Planning Surisdiction be delayed for Further study. <br />