Minutes - 19740219
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19740219
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1<~NUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF C02R~1ISSIDNERS <br />February 19, 197LI. <br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange County met in Regular Session in the <br />Orange County Museum on Tuesday, February 19, 1971+, at 8 o~clock P.M. <br />Members Present: Chairman C. Norman Walker and Commisaicnsrs Henry 5. <br />Walker, Flora Garrett, Richard E. Whitted and Melvin Whitfield. <br />Members Absent: None. <br />The Officers and the Directors of the Museum had prepared coffee and <br />refreshments for the Board members and the other guest who were present for <br />the occasion. <br />Chairman Y7alker recognized J. F. Minnis, Chairman of the Museum Committee. <br />Mr. Minnis stated that this was the sixteenth anniversary of the founding of the. <br />Museum and he felt that it was appropriate that the Board of Commissioners share <br />the birthday celebration for without the financial assistance and support the <br />Museum could not have become a reality. He then proceeded to recount the history <br />of the founding of the Museum. <br />Chairman Walker thanked Nir. Minnis and the Museum Committee for the <br />hospitality that had been extended to the Board. <br />Countyh$vard of aElectionarremotdiscussdthe petitionnsubmitgeddby thoaeipersona <br />interested in proposed Orange Grove Rural Fire Protection District.) <br />Marshall L. Cates, Jr., Chairman of the Board of Elections, stated that upon <br />review by the Board of Elections of the petition that had been submitted by Orange <br />Grove Fire District it was Sound that the description used on the petition <br />included properties that were located on both sides of Bethel Church Road (SR #110L}), <br />highway #54, Antioch Church Road (SR #1951), SR ~r1952, and SR #1958. Mr Cates <br />stated that the General Statutes did not allow the inclusion of properties lying on <br />both sides of a road and that the original petition, as submitted, was in violation <br />of G. S, 153-39, therefore, the Board of Elections could not accept the petition as <br />submitted by the Orange Grove Fire District. He stated that a new boundary <br />description of the proposed Orange Grove Fire District had been drawn by the County <br />Attorney. This new petition included a revised description and it had been <br />accepted by the $oard of Elections, however, the $oard oP Elections would need the <br />compliance of the Board of Commissioners as to the changes made in the revised <br />petition prior to the 'proceeding of the calling of the proposed election. A <br />complete survey had been made of the parsons who signed the original petitions <br />_ and only fourteen (14) were not eligible to vote in the proposed election. These <br />fourteen (].L~) persons may petition to be included in the proposed fire district if <br />the election on the questio s passed. Mr. Cates stated that the submitted <br />changes were being made ord to comply with the General Statutes and in order to <br />allow the Board of Elec ions to pi Geed with the calling pf the proposed election. <br />• Discussion ensued. Mr. Cates read the following revised description of the <br />proposed Orange Grove Fire Diatriat Boundaries: <br />"B~TNNING at the Orange County line on U. S. Highway 54 (approximately <br />ll miles avast of Chapel Hill)t thence north with the county line 5.5 miles to <br />the Mebane Oaks Road (SR 10071, a boundary of the Efland Fire District; thence <br />with the Efland Fira District boundary sa follows: With the Mebane Oaks Road <br />(SR 1007) in a southeasterly direction 1.7 miles to the intersection with the <br />Oak Grove Church Road (SR 1117), thence with the Oak Grove Church Road in a <br />southeasterly direction 3.1 miles to the intersection of SR 1118, thence with <br />SR 1118 in a southeasterly direction p.7 miles to the intersection of SR 1115, <br />thence in a northeasterly direction with SR 1115 1.2 miles to the intersection <br />of the Buckhorn road (SR 1110), thence with the $uckhorn road in a northerly <br />direction 0.7 miles to the intersection of SR 1 25, thence with SR 1125 in a <br />northeasterly direction 1~..5 miles to the inter ction of SR <br />°..R 1120 in a northeasterly direction 0.7 mile to the bridge1on03evennMile th <br />Creek, thence with said creek in an easterly irection to the r7zo River in the <br />line of the Orange Rural Fire District; then a with the Orange Rural Fire <br />District as follows: In an easterly direction with said Eho River to SR 1134, <br />thence with SR 1131x, in a southerly direction 1.1 miles to the intaraection with <br />SR 1135, thence with SR 1136 in a westerly, a utherl <br />direction 1.9 miles to another intaraection :/rith SR i~34nd then easterly <br />direction with Sft 1134 0.7 miles to an intersection with~SRh1006,ithenceuinealy <br />southerly direction with SR 1006 0.6 miles to the intersection of 3R 1129, <br />thence in an easterly direction with SR 1129 3 0 miles to the intaraection of <br />SR 1009, thence in a southerly direction with SR 100q 2.2 miles to the inter- <br />section of SR 1723, a boundary of the Nsw Hope Fire District; thence with the <br />Nsw Hope Fire District line and with SR 1009 approximately 3.1 miles to the <br />South Orange Fire District; then with said South Orange Firs District in a <br />southwesterly direction approximately 1.4 miles to the intersection of Dairyland <br />Road (SR 1112) and Bethel Church Road (SR 1104); thence with the center line <br />~~9 <br />
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