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<br />February 4, 1974
<br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange County met in Regular session on
<br />Monday, February !}, 147h at 10 o~elock A,M, in the Commissioners Room at the
<br />Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina.
<br />Members Present: Chairman C, Norman Walker and Commissioners Henry S,
<br />Walker, Flora Garrett, Richard E. Whitted and Melvin Whitfield.
<br />Members Absent: None.
<br />The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved after corrections
<br />were made.
<br />The Chairman recognized Clayton Haithcoek, Zoning Officer. Mr, Haithcock
<br />submitted the following plats for consideration:
<br />1. Paul Minor, 2 lots in Chapel Bill Township, plat dated December 11, 1973.
<br />Same had been approved by the County Planning Board.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Richard E. Whitted, seconded by Commissioner
<br />Melvin Whitfield, it was moved and unanimously adopted that said plat be approved.
<br />2. Final plat of Cornie 5, Roberta Estate in Chapel Hilh Township, plat
<br />dated January lb, 1974. Same had been approved by the County Planning Board,
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Henry S, Walker, seconded by Commisaiener
<br />Richard E. Whitted, it was moved and unanimously adopted that said plat be approved.
<br />3. Final plat of Dennis Howell and wife in Chapel Hill Township, plat dated
<br />January 17, 1974. Same had been approved by the County Planning Board.
<br />Upon motion of Commiasienar Richard E, Whitted, seconded by Commissioner
<br />Henxy.5, Walker, it was moved and unanimously adopted that said plat be approved,
<br />4. Rob art F, Comae, 3.2 acres in ~o Township, plat dated July 31, 1973.
<br />Same had been approved by the County Planning Board.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Harry 5. Walker, seconded by Commisaicner Flora
<br />Garrett, it was moved sad unanimously adopted that said plat be approved,
<br />5, Final Plat of John W, Purefoy and wife, 2 lots in Chapel Hill Township,
<br />plat dated March $, 1973. Same had been approved by the County Planning Board,
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Henry S, Walker, seconded by Commissioner Richard
<br />E. Whitted, it was monad and unanimously adopted, that said plat be approved.
<br />6, Falls of New Hope, Section IV, property of Joe F. Matthews, Jr. in Chapel
<br />Hill Township, plat dated December 1$, 1473. Same had been approved by the County
<br />Planning Board.
<br />UAOn motion of Commissioner Melvin Whitfield, seconded by Commissioner Henry
<br />S. Walker, it eras moved and unanimously adopted, that said plat be approved.
<br />7, Robinawood, Section II, Property of Trent Construction Company in Chapel
<br />Hill Township, All lots have been corrected to meet the required footage of the
<br />Zoning Ordinance.
<br />Uppn motion of Commissioner Henry S. Walker, seconded by Commissioner Melvin
<br />'Whitfield, it was moved and unanimously adopted, that said plat be approved.
<br />8. Preliminary Plat of Sleepy Hollow, property of New South Land Company.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Richard E. Whitted, seconded by Commissioner
<br />Melvin Whitfield, it was moved and unanimously adapted, that the preliminary plat
<br />of Sleepy Hollow be approved subject to showing of the culverts on the final plat.
<br />-. .. 9. Preliminary plat of Falls of New Hope, Section V, property of doe F.
<br />Matthews, Jr,
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Richard y, Whitted, seconded by Commissioner
<br />Melvin Whitfield, it xas moved and unanimously adopted that, the preliminary plat
<br />of Fella of New Hope, Section V be approved.
<br />~~
<br />The County Zoning Officer reminded the Board that a joint Public Hearing of
<br />the County Planning Board and the County Board of Commissioners had been avheduled
<br />for Monday, February 2$, 1974.
<br />