Orange County NC Website
~~~ <br />MINUTES CF THE ORANGE CODNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />February 1, 197!} <br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange County met in saecial session on <br />Friday, February 1, 1971}, at 1 o'clock P.M. in the Covmiisaionars Room of the <br />Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Members Present: Chairman C. Norman Walker and Commissioners Henry S. <br />Walker, Flora Garrett, Richard E. Whiffed and Melvin Whitfield. <br />Members Absent: None. <br />John Watkins, Division Digineer, Earl Hoover, Assistant Division Engineer, <br />and 5. H. Jones, Diatriat Engineer of the State Board of Transportation, were <br />present. <br />S, M. Gattis, County Administrator, and Betty June Hayes, Clerk to the Board, <br />were also present. <br />Chairman Walker recognized Mr. Watkins. NTS. Watkins stated that this was <br />an informal meeting for the purpose of reviewing the road priority rating that <br />had been established by the Board of Transportation for Orange County. Mr. <br />Watkins filed a copy of the 1973 Point System on the first fifty roads that <br />were rated and he alsc filed a copy of the Road Program that was being proposed <br />for 1973-7.9711-. He stated that he would like to have a formal meeting with citizens <br />participation scheduled for Friday, February 15th at 1 P.M. Mr. Watkins stated <br />that the 1973-1971} allocation for Orange County amounted to $283,000 and that the <br />Board of Transportation wanted to hold ten (10~) percent of the allocation sa <br />Contingency to cover unanticipated costs and fo allow property owners participation <br />in subdivision areas. This would leave $2$1,700 to be programed. The Division <br />Fhgineer referred the Commissioners to the priority, Discussion ensued. <br />Mr. Watkins stated, at the present time, the department was working on the 1973- <br />1971} program and that this program consisted of 13.9 miles of paving and 11.2 <br />miles of stabilization. He stated that in order to be realistic he must admit that the <br />department could not finish the 1973-1471} proposed work program until late 1971} and that <br />it would be difficult to begin work on any of the new programs until early 1975. <br />The department plans to review and upgrade the priority allocation every two years <br />and 3t will be the rule that the roads will be comrleted according_ to their priority <br />rating and the only thing preventing a road being completed would be the inability <br />of the Board of Transportation to secure the needed right of way. The failure to <br />secure the needed right of way ~rauld mean that the total road would be eliminated <br />from that years road program, but it would not mean that the road would lose ita <br />priority rating. A Question and answer session ensued. <br />Thera being no further business fo come before the Board the meeting was <br />adjourned. <br />C. Norman Walker, Chairman <br />Batty June Hay®s, Clerk <br />