Minutes - 19740115
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19740115
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i~ MINUTES OF THE O??ANCrL+' COUNTY <br />BCARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />January 15, 19711 <br />The Board of Commission era of Orange County met in regular session at 8 <br />o'clock P. M. on Tuesday, January 15, 1971}, in the Commissioners Room of the <br />Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Members Present: Chairman C. Norman Walker and Cormiiasionera Henry S. Walker, <br />Flora Garrett, Richard E. Whiffed and Melvin Whitfield. <br />Members Absent: None. <br />Chairman Walker recognized Phil Rominger of Chapel Hill, Mr. Rominger <br />requested the Board to consider reducing the tax assessment that had been - <br />established on property that he owned in Chanel Hill. He noted that the County <br />had valued this property at $132,500 and that he felt the fair market value of <br />said property should be valued at $90,000. The County agreed to consider Mr. <br />Romingar~s request. <br />Chairman 'dalker recognized Dr. Robert J. Murphy. Dr. Murphy advised the <br />Board that the Officers and the Board of Directors of the Orange Count Medial <br />Foundation, Inc. had voted to request that the County execute a six (6 month <br />option with a three (3) month permission of extension of said option on the <br />property that is loaated off of Cameron Street just southeast of the Courthouse. <br />He stated that it was his understanding the purchase price that had been euoted <br />by the Board would be the terms of said option. Discussion ensued. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Henry S. Walker, seconded by Commissioner Richard <br />E. Whitted, it was moved and unanimously adopted, that Orange County execute an <br />option to the Orange County Medical Foundation, inc. for a period of nine (9) <br />months on the one and one-half acre of land that is located off of Cameron Street. <br />Chairman Walker recognized Raymond Montgomery. Mr. Montgomery filed the <br />following petition: <br />"We, the undersigned, feeling the need for improved medical <br />facilities in this area of Orange County, hereby petition the <br />Commissioners' of Orange County to vote to donate 1.5 acres South <br />of the Social'Servioes Building in Hillsborough to the Orange <br />Medical Foundation, or otherwise, sell to the Orange Medical Foundation <br />at no profit. This foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated <br />to the establishment of a Family Practice Private Medical Clinic iri <br />the Orange County area. Be it understood that if the Bite ever ceases <br />to serve the purpose stated herein, Orange County will receive option <br />for first refusal for disposal. of said property. <br />We further understand that once land is obtained, the Foundation <br />will then praeeed with plena to construct a medical building suitable <br />to the needs of this area. Upon completion, space will than be leased <br />to physicians in private practice. <br />DATE NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE N0." <br />Mr. Montgomery stated that said petitions had been signed by 2,233 aitizena <br />of the County. He made inquiry aonaerning his previous request for an itemized <br />statement of the cent of the property that had been purchased by Orange County <br />that lies Weat of Cameron Street and th® cost that had been expended for the <br />improvements to said property. The County Administrator replied that.the County <br />is not required to keep detail records on this particular type of expenditure and <br />that these records are not available since they occurred over five years ago. <br />Dr, Bill Black pointed out the need for modern clinical facilities in order <br />to be able to attract young physiaiana to settle in the area. He stated that many <br />communities were building and eeuipping clinics in order to secure the needed <br />doctors. Dr. Black requested the Board to reconsider the purchase price on the land <br />being sought by the Orange County Medical Foundation, Inc. <br />The Chairman referred the Board to Item #3 of the Agenda: (Mark Burnham: <br />A. Presentation of possible policy on withdrawals of requests for rezoning once <br />Notice of Proposed Rezoning has been published. B. Continued discussion of State <br />Land Use Plan.) <br />Mr. Burnham stated that ha had discussed the matter of withdrawal of requests <br />with the County Planning Board, but that the Board felt it would need guidance from <br />this Board relative to the subject. The Board agreed that a policy would allow <br />flexibility and Mr. Burnham was to pursue the matter. <br />
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