! - ~'~~ i'IXP~ES OF THiI Oi3A:dGE COUId1^Y I
<br />June 12, 1972 ~,
<br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in adjourned session at 8
<br />o'clock P, M, on i~Iondap, June 12, 1972..
<br />I4embera Present: Chairman Harvey D. Bennett, and Commissioners William C,
<br />Rap, Henry S, 1•TQlker, Tra A. Ward and C, Norman Talker. I
<br />Members.Absent: None I
<br />i
<br />The Cour_ty Board of Education met with the Board of Commissioners to present
<br />its budget request for the coming fiscal pear. Their proposed Current Expense
<br />budget totaled $662,$00.00. This sum amounts to approximately x136.00 par pupil
<br />based on the A & E enrollment for the year just completed. The basic difference i
<br />in the budget being presented now and the budget of the year just being
<br />concluded can be found in the Instructional Services area (Codes 621 and 622). I
<br />In the 621 Code area the County wants to increase the number of locally raid
<br />teachers from 61s to 13. They also want to add !} additional teachers' aids and 2
<br />janitors in the elementary school area. The new teachers reaueated would work ~
<br />in the area of full time Librarian, Physioal Education, y=uric, $rt and non teaching ~I
<br />Principal. I
<br />In the 622 area (Junior High School and High~School) the Board of 1•;ducation li
<br />wants to increase the number of locally »aid teaahe~s from 9 to 15. Since they
<br />lost two teaahera because of decreased enrollment during the past year the net I
<br />teacher increase would be only four. These teachers would work in the area of
<br />ri2usic, Art, Physical Education, Typing, French and possibly Auto iiechanics.
<br />I
<br />The 3oard of Education submitted a Capital Outlay budget request of X781,384.00
<br />Superintendent Williams stated this request could be reduced by the amount of
<br />unencumbered appropriation the Board of Education would have at the close of the
<br />fiscal year. He estimated this to be about $100,000.00
<br />The most significant code in this budget is 681-3, New Buildings and Grounds. II
<br />There the unit is asking far ~525,aoo. Of this sum x400,000, is to be earmarked ',
<br />for replacement of the Grady Brown Saheol. This new facility is estimated to cost Iii
<br />1.2 million dollars. The remaining $12$,000, would be used to complete a
<br />football stadium at Orange High School. Stands, toilets, etc, in the stadium 'i
<br />would cost x$0,000. and lights would spat about $30,000. ,•
<br />Commissioner Ira A, Ward suggested the Board of Commissioners arrange a
<br />joint meeting with the Orange County ABC Board, the Orange County riambera of
<br />the Orange, Person, Chatham t?ental Health Board to discuss the Mental Health I
<br />appropriation for the coming year. Discussion ensued.
<br />The County Administrator was inatruated to arrange a meeting between the ~I
<br />Commissioners, the ABC Board and the Orange County Ftembers of the Orange, Person,
<br />Chatham I4ental Tiealth Board on Thursday, June 15, 1972, at $ P,M,
<br />Theio being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was
<br />adjourned to meet again on Thursday, June 15, 1972.
<br />Harvey D, Bennett, Chairman
<br />S, I4, Gattis, Acting Clark
<br />BOARD OF COI~?25520NERS
<br />June 15, 1972
<br />',
<br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange County met in adjourned session in 'I
<br />the District Courtroom of the Courthouse in Hillsborough at S P,I4. on Thursday, i
<br />June 1~, 1972.
<br />Mambera Present: Chairman Harvey D, Bennett and Commissioners William C. Ray,
<br />Harry S, Walker, Tra A, Ward and C. Norman l~alker.
<br />I?embers Absents None
<br />~.
<br />