Minutes - 19720501
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19720501
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<br />~. _ ~ 43 <br />MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUfITY <br />BOARD OF COT~IISSIONERS <br />May 1, 1972 <br />The Board of County Commisaionera of Orange County met in regular session <br />on Monday,' May 1, 1972, at 10:00 o~cloak A.M. in the Commissioners Room of the <br />Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Members Present: Chairman Rarvey D. Bennett, and Commissioners William C. <br />Ray, Henry S. Walker and Ira A, Ward. _. <br />Members Absent: Commissioner C. Norman Walker. <br />Discussion arose relative to the resent donation of Burnside, former home <br />of Misa Rebecca Wall, to Orange County for the purpose of establishing library <br />facilities. Chairman Bennett stated that he was of the opinion that the Board <br />should meet with the Trustees of the Confederate Memorial Library in order <br />that it might be determined how to proceed with the investigation of the <br />Burnside premises. It was agreed that a meeting would be anhaduled for T2onday, <br />May 8, 1972, in the Commissioners Room at the Courthouse in Ffillsboraugh, <br />North Carolina at 8 o~nlock P.M. <br />Chairman Bennett recognized Walter McDade, Director of the Efland-Cheeks <br />Multi-Purpose Center. Mr. McDade introduced Loufa Riley to the Board. Mr. <br />Riley presented copies of correspondence received from the State Highway <br />Commission relative to secondary road numbers 1313, 1316, 1316 and 1320, and <br />he questioned the priorities which had been placed on these roads by the i' <br />State Righway Commission. Chairman Bennett stated that the Board possessed <br />no additional information on the matter, but he instructed the Clerk to <br />contact the State Highway Commission about the statue oP said roads. <br />Chairman Gannett presented a letter from the..Governor~s Office concerning <br />the obaervanoa of Senior Citizens Week. <br />Upon motion of Commisaianer William C. Ray, seconded by Commissioner <br />Ira A. Ward, it was moved and adopted, that the week of M~.y 11.E through May <br />21 be proclaimed as Senior Citizens Weak for Orange County. i <br />Chairman Bennett made a report to the Board on the Federal Revenue <br />Sharing proposal which is being sponsored by the National Association of <br />Counties and which has received the endorsement of the North Carolina Association <br />of County Commissioners. No action was taken on this matter. <br />Chairman Bennett recognized Willie Lawe. Mr. Laws informed the Board that i <br />he had placed a bid of $6,2$0.00 on a fifteen (16) acre tract of land whioh was <br />currently owned by Mr a. Lillie Riley and that he had aiace learned that Orange <br />County held an Old Aga Assistance lien of approximately $20,000.00 against <br />this property. He stated that he had been informed that the County would release <br />its lien for the sum of p3,750.00 and that !ie felt that the original bid price <br />of $5,260.00 plus $3,75p.00 was a reasonable purchase price for said property. ` <br />Chairman Bennett advised Mr. Laws that the Board was not involved in the I <br />forealoaure proceeding and that consequently, they r.,ad np authority to modify <br />the terms of the sale. <br />Chairman Bennett recognized Lucius Cheshire, fir., County Zoning Officer. <br />Mr. Cheshire presented the following plats: <br />1. One acre lot belonging to Roy Shambley. IrLr. Cheshire stated that <br />said plat had been approved by the County Planning Board. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ira A. Ward, seconded by Commissioner <br />Henry S. Walker, it was moved and adopted, that Chairman Sennett be <br />authorized to sign the certificate of approval on the Shambley plat. <br />2. Berini Brothers Trailer Park located in Flo Township. Mr. Cheshire <br />stated that said plat had been approved by the County Planning Board. <br />Upon motion oP Commissioner Ira A. ward, seconded by Commissioner <br />Henry S. Walker, it was moved and adopted, that Chairman Bennett be <br />authorized to sign the certificate of approval on the Berini Brothers <br />Trailer Park plat. ' <br />3. The matter of amending the section dealing with preliminary plane of <br />proposed subdivisions was discussed. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner William C. Ray, seconded by Commissioner <br />Tra A. lJard, it was moved and adopted, that section 111«C of the Countyts <br />Planning Ordinenee be amended as fglloors; <br />
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