Orange County NC Website
ti~ <br />i;OV:a1+B~- I- I937 <br />iIlTJTES BOARD OF COT"=~~:iT02~LR *'rnd~y Nn~,.l 1937 <br />The Board met at the usual hour,-aresent Commissioners,John.H ~~nrer.S.A Nathan, and <br />C.rl T.Durham. The minutes of the October aeeting ~-+ere read and approved. <br />i <br />On mo~5on, the valae of Dr .J .p Jones' hone -dace on Franklin Street in Chapel Hill <br />is hereby fixed at ~6500.OO,and the Lay House Pixed at•~2000.00,'!s oP~ the 2937 valua <br />t ion. <br />.A letter from }_sr E: ,R Hod.-3n asking that an agreement entered into by himself to pay <br />a certain amount oP the ex~~ense to cpea a road Via hia farm,was carefully cdnsiderrd <br />an3 it is unanitgously agreed that this Beard doed not feel that any adjustment shall <br />be made and the order at ands ae agreed upon <br />On motion,it is hereby ordered that the valuation of the Pratt House in Carboro,noH <br />owned by ':7 .E •~illia:~s be fixed at X300.00 <br />Dr.S,A ZtTathan and Carl T Durham,having been apr•oirted a Committee to examine ,'the J.L <br />Foiater House in Chapel Hill corner oS Rcaemary aYid C~lvr.!bia streets as to its con <br />dition reports3that in their opinion the value assessd by the Hoard oP Tax appraisers <br />is a fair valuation and that no reduction be made. <br />Dr.Richardson County Health Officer submitted a monthly rep6rt the same is hereby ap <br />droved and ordered filed With the Orange Ccunty Special reports, i <br />On motion,it is hereby ordered that George Blalock be allowed a8.C0 per mo~ptlt from <br />the outside poor Pund, i <br />@n motion,it 3s hereby ordered that James '~/ilsoa be allowed X5.00 per month,eYPecti~e 1 <br />as oP October Yisat from t.~[e outside poor list. / <br />On motion it is hereby ordered that Henry Jo~,and w~ allowed p6.00 per month - <br />from the outside poor fund. <br />;,iiss Grace E H@lcombe Home Demonstratioa Agent submitted a detail,J~report oP!all ac- <br />tivities during the month oP Octobe;, same was highfy commended andd ordered filed <br />with the proper reports,She also showed that the Bales from the Carboro Curb.~arket <br />' amounts to~579.33 during the month oP October. j <br />On motion it is hereby ordered that SherifP.S,T.Latta Jr „ be paid w40.00 far 6 sheep <br />and two ;;igs killed by dogs,s~+e to be paid from the S.:;eeial Dog Tax fund, <br />Tea Pollowigg resolut3on,i:raxs¢tt: was pres•entec and ac}~oted ,to-wit: I <br />i9FuRAS,it'has been made to ap~ear,to this Board that~a~~ropriation hertaforo made - <br />~,nd set up,in the County Btuiget,for the use of the County ~lelfare Beard,failed and ' <br />omitted to carry any appropriation for the per diem~p~y oP said C ourt5• Bard IoP, Wel- <br />fare} <br />AO~,T1~~tEBORi,vpon motion oP Commissioner Nathan,duly seconded by Conmissioner <br />Durham, and unanimova~y adopted ,it is ordered that the•County acccuntant pay from the <br />Emergency appropriations in She General Fund as set up,in the County Budget a per- <br />diem to each member oP said Hoard, at the rate of a~.00 per day,and mPieage at 5cts <br />per mile,,'lhis resolution and order to be effective ;rom July Ist-I937, and cgntirue <br />throw=h the prese7-t fiscal year. <br />i <br />G.'+7 Ray,Covnty Tax Collector,reported that he had eclledted during the montH of Octo <br />ber,from the Insolvent Lists of I9?~9 to '935 a Total oY~793.24 an$ from the I936 List <br />a74~.33.He also submitted a detai Budget ~teyport to Noi:ember Ist.oP all Departments. <br />Tha following names sere drawn to serve ae Jurors at the December Criminal term to-wit: <br />?1.Duke Dodson B4n6--~-----------------------2I--~..~• :'ilson C.G <br />--S.J 4+illiams H.B 22--Ed H Lloyd I Bing <br />3--C,R Hurray L„R 23--H.:S hiller g,B <br />4--Jno;9 Zachary Bing 24__g,g Jobe C.G <br />S--T has A Andrews Bing 25--C .L Davis i g.B <br />6--Hubert parker L.R 26--Sam ldcPherson Bing <br />7--J.H Gill Chceka. 27 »Curtis Cecil ~ Cheeks <br />8s..41.H Howard Bing. 28--Sol Lipman I C.H <br />9--C .R ti9illiamg C.H 29--D.F aright i C.G <br />IO--:e.E.Pope C.G 30--E .T Cole ' L.R <br />II--Charlie Clayton L.R 3I--Dr.d.T Dobbins i C.H <br />I2--J. Hilliard Ray C.H 32--Ben F Glilson j Cheeks <br />I3_-G.`~1 Crabtree.Jr., Eno 33-=~.Tom Riley L.Ft <br />I4--Ira W day C.Fi 34--R.8 Fitch C.G <br />I5--Cole Ray Bing- 35--Chas a Clayton yno <br />I6--I.G Carson C.H 36--Clarence Terrell j Cheeks <br />I7--J.T Browning Cheeks 37- E Carrington Smith I C,H <br />I8.-Floyd L Nilson L,R 38--C .B Pope C.G <br />I9--Lads Hall ~. G 39--C.W Stanle ~ ono <br />20-.J..~.Jordan = 40--J.G Faucet~e ! g~B <br />