s _ ~;cr P3xP11)TE5 OF THE ORAidGF. COU`1TY
<br />February 29, 1972
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Orange Countp met in spacial session
<br />on Tuesday, February 29, 1972, in the Commissioners Room of the Courthouse
<br />in Hillsborough, North Carolina at 8:00 o'clock P,M.
<br />M®mbers Present: Chairman Harvey D, Bennett, and Commissioners William C.
<br />Ray, Henry S, Walker, Tra A. Ward and C, Norman Walker.
<br />:Members Absent; None
<br />The County Administrator reported that bids for the cone*,ruction of a water
<br />and sewer line to the Webco Plant had been opened and tabulated.. by Alley,
<br />l7illiama, Carmen and FCing, the engineering firm employed by the Countp. The
<br />tabulation of bide received revealed that the firm of Redding-Reeves, inc. had
<br />submitted the lowest bid which was X29,159.00, The Countp Administrator advised
<br />the Board that the engineering firm had conducted an investigation of Redding-
<br />Reeves, lne. and that they did recommend that the County of Orange accept the
<br />low bid. Discussion ensued.
<br />Upon motion of Conaniasioner Ira A. ~+~ard, seconded by Commissioner Henry
<br />Walker, it was moved and adopted, that the County accept the low bid from
<br />Redding-Reeves, 2nc. of $29,159.00 far the construction of the water and sewer
<br />line to the property of Webco Company plant and that Chairman Sennett be
<br />authorized to sign the contract for said protect.
<br />The Countp Administrator reported that bids for the construction of the
<br />water line to the Valley Forge plant had been opened by Rose, Pridgen and Freeman,
<br />engineering firm; which had been employed by the County to survey said project.
<br />The tabulation of bids received revealed that the firm of Blue Construction
<br />Company' of Sanford had submitted the lowest bid in the amount of X18,895.00 and
<br />that the engineering firm did recommend that the Countp of Orange aoaept the
<br />law bid. Discussion ensued.
<br />Commissioner William C. Ray suggested that the County Administrator secure,
<br />from the Valley Forge Company, a right o£ way agreement for the installation of
<br />any future water and aerrer lines. The Board agreed that this was a good idea and
<br />the Countp Administrator was instructed to prooeed with the securing of s water
<br />and sewer easement,
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Henry S. [dalker, seconded by Commissioner Norman
<br />Walker, it was moved and adopted, that the Countp eocept the low bid from Blue
<br />Construction Company in the amount of $18,895.00,
<br />Chairman Bennett recognized Betty Jun® Hayes, Register of Deeds. Miss Hayes
<br />brought to the attention of the Board the fact that the current salary schedule
<br />for personnel was out of line with other agencies and that the last job
<br />classification and salary study had been conducted in 1969. She stated that due
<br />to legislative enactment, population growth, and mechanization to the entire
<br />eamplexion of her offioe had changed considerably since the last personnel atudp.
<br />S. M. Gattis, County Admini.atrator, agreed with the statements of Mias Hayes
<br />and he proceeded to point out the problems which were being encountered in his
<br />office by the addition of new duties and responsibilities. Dissuasion ensued,
<br />The Board directed the County Administrator to contact the North Carolina
<br />Personnel Department and request that they conduct a study for Orange County,
<br />Mr, Gattis is to report the results of his inquiry to the Board at its next
<br />meeting,
<br />There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was
<br />adjourned.
<br />Harvey D, Bennett, Chairman
<br />. '. !..
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<br />S. IS, Gattis, Acting Clerk
<br />