Minutes - 19720104
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19720104
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<br />MINUT?;S OF THE Oc'2ANGE COTJ?dTY i ~ ~~~ <br />BOA.3D OP COMMTSSTONERS <br />January 4., 1972 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Orange County mat in regular session <br />in the Conference Room of the Social Services Building on Tuesday, January 1F, <br />1972. <br />T4embers Present: Chairman Harvey D. Sennett and Commissioners William <br />C. Ray, Henry S. Walker, Ira A.-Ward and C. Tdorman Walker. <br />Members Absent: None <br />Minutes oP the previous meetings were read and approved after corrections <br />were made. <br />Commissioner William C. Ray advised the Board that the rural fire <br />departments of the county had achedulad a joint meeting on Wednesday, <br />January s, 1972, at 7:30 p.m, in the Conference Room of the Rillsborough <br />Savings & Loan and that they wished to have the Commissioners attend this <br />meeting. <br />Commissioner Ira A. Ward inquired as to the legal requirements far <br />financing a countywide fire protection area. The County Administrator <br />advised that there were two alternatives to financing fire prot®ction. They <br />are: through the County General Fund with no special tax being levied or <br />to define one or more areas and offer the elective that in that area the <br />opportunity to vote on the question of a special tax levy not to exceed <br />ten cents (10¢) on the one hundred dollar property valuation for the <br />specific purpvae of fire protection. Further discussion ensued. <br />Chairman Bennett stated that the County should also oonsid®r the need <br />of the garbage disposal problem and that before the Board ventured too <br />deeply into the area of fire protection areas that the Board should review, <br />very carefully, the Pinancial responsibility which would ba imposed on the <br />County if both programs were instituted. <br />Tha County Administrator suggested that Chairman Bennett appoint a ~ <br />committee to investigate the possibilities open to the County in the area <br />of garbage disposal. <br />Upon motion oP Commiasionar Henry a. Walker, seconded by Commissioner <br />William C. Ray, it was moved and adopted that the Chairman be authori2ed <br />to appoint a committee for the purpose of studying how the monies could <br />be made available Por a oountywide garbage disposal program and that any <br />expenses inourred by the members of this committee wov].d be reimbursable. <br />Chairman Bennett stt.ted that he had met with N(r. Coleman of Daniels <br />Construction Company who were representatives far Webco Inc. and that <br />Webco, Ina. had agreed to pay the four hundred dollar (.00.00) per acre <br />for the installation of the water and sewerage lines, but that this <br />company, since the initial meeting and agreement, had requested the County ~ <br />to extend these lines from its property line to the froist of their proposed ~ <br />building. <br />I <br />The County Admini.atratbr stated that it was approximately three hundred <br />feet (300 0 from the companys property line to the front of the proposed ' <br />building. Discussion ensued. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner'Ira A, Ward, seconded by Conanisaioner William <br />C, Ray, it was moved and adopted that the County would adhere to the terms <br />of the initial agreement between Webco, Inc. and the County. <br />Disoussion ensued relative to the needed improvements to highway 86 <br />South from Interstate 85 to Orange Church. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner William C. Ray, seconded by Cpmmiaeioner <br />Ira A. Ward, it was moved and adopted, that the Clerk write Mr. Benson, <br />Highway Commissioner, and request an appointment for the specific reason i. <br />of discussing the needed improvements on highway 86 South. <br />--~-•'' Chairman Sennett recognized Mayor Cates, Clarence Rosemond, Water <br />~~ (Supervisor, and John Pridgen, Town Engineer. Mayor Cates advised the Board <br />that the Town of Hillsborough had received a grant of ~5p0,000.00 for the <br />purpose of developing an additional water plant and other water facilities, <br />but that the Town Headed an additional $4.3,000.00 in order to construct a <br />water tank. A question and answer period ensued relative to the propos®d <br />project. <br />
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