Orange County NC Website
<br />MINUTES OF THE ORA~tGE COUPTTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~::"~7', ~ PAGE 3rIJ~ <br />Julq b, 1971 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Orange County met in regular session <br />at 10:00 oTaloak A. M. on Tuesday, Julq 6, 1971, in the Commissioners Room at the <br />Courthouse is Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Members Present: Chairman Harvey D. Bennett, and Commissioners William C. <br />Raq, Henry S. Walker, Ira A. Ward and C. Norman Walker. <br />- Members Absent: None <br />S. M. C}attis, County Administrator,read the minutes oP the previous <br />meetings and after some corrections same were approved bq the Soaxd. <br />Discussion ensued relative to N. C. Highway 86 North. Commissioner Ray <br />brought to the attention oP the Board that said project had been temporiarly <br />abandoned due to the lack of funds. It was suggested that the State Highway <br />Commission should be made aware of the concern of the Board about the abandonment <br />of the project. <br />Upon motion of Cammiasionar William C. Ray, seconded by Commissioner Ira A. <br />Ward, it was moved and adopted, that the Clerk to the Board write the State <br />Highway Commissioner and urge that monies be made available for the completion <br />of Highway 86 North. <br />Commiaeioner Henry S. Walker brought to the attention of the Board that the <br />citizens living on secondary road numbers 15l~B and 1002 had requested that a <br />four way atop sign be placed at the intersection of said roads as there had been <br />several accidents at the intersection. Discussion ensued on ~sid batter. i <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Ira A. Ward, seconded by Commissioner Norman ~ <br />Walker, It was maned and adopted, that the Clark writs the State Highway Commission <br />and reaueat that the shrubs, bushes and other growth be cleared from secondary <br />road number~a 1548 and 1002 at their intersection. <br />Chairman Sennett recognized Pat Yarborough, Blind Aid Director Prom the ~I <br />Department of Social Serviaea, who presented the Blind Aid Agenda. The Board <br />reviewed said agenda and Ms. Yarborough was aueationed concerning the increase ~ <br />given to Clayton Robinson. She explained said increase. <br />Upon motion of Cammisaioner Henry S. Walker, seconded by Commissioner <br />William C. Raq, Chairman Sennett was authorized to sign said Blind Aid Agenda. <br />Chairman Bennett brought to the attention of the Board that several road <br />petitions and one letter relative road matters were to be disauased. Petitions <br />for Campground Road and Dimmoeka Mill Road were presented along with a letter <br />from Mrs. Peggq K. Norwood who was requesting that ahamiaals be placed an the <br />Clearwater Lake Road in order that dust on said rood might be controlled. The ` <br />Clark was instructed to Forward the two road petitions and Mrs. Norwood~a <br />letter along with the endorsement of the Board to Mr. P. L. Welsh. <br />Chairman Bennett presented a petition signed by residents living in the <br />Southwestern part oP Orange County. Said petition opposed the establishment of a <br />animal storage and experimental facility on the Jacobs property located in the <br />area. Theq urged that the University of North Carolina consider other sites for <br />the bastion of said facility. <br />D3.acussion ensued and Mark Burnham of the Research Triangle Commission <br />stated that the Medical School needed a site near the school and that considerable <br />effort had been made to locate a desirable site. Mr. Burnham suggested that <br />anq sate which was chosen would need a buffer zone and that a large tract of <br />land would be needed to house said facility. It wsa generally agreed that the <br />matter of the animal storage facility was beyond the jurisdiction of the Board; <br />however, it wsa felt that the University and/ox the Medical School might share <br />their plans and their ideas with the citizens of the area in order that theq <br />might be advised oP what might be expected of the farm in their community. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner William C. Ray, seconded by Commissioner Ira A. <br />Ward, it was moved, that a letter of concern from the Board of Commiasionsra be <br />forwarded to the University and the Medical School and that said letter contain <br />the suggestion that an alternate site be considered and/or that the University <br />would share their plans and their ideas with the citizens of the area should a <br />alternate site not be feasible. <br />