Orange County NC Website
<br />5','.~1 ~ PAGE ~~ <br />Chairman Bennett called the meeting to order and then requested L. M. <br />Cheshire, County Attorney, to proceed with the second reading of the Ordinance <br />entitled "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE EXPOSURE TO VIEW THE HUMAN BODY." <br />Chairman Sennett requested that if any person perseat wished to speak in <br />favor of the proposed Ordinance that the floor was now oven for their remarks. <br />The following persona spoke in favor of the .adoption of said Ordinance: <br />F, S. Frederiok, Reverend Roy Hoover, Paetar of the West Hill Baptist <br />Church, Reverend W. I. Conway, Pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle on the Orange <br />Orove Road, Reverend Dan King, Pastor of the Mara Hill Baptist Church, <br />Reverend Q. E. Simmons, Pastor of the Hillsborough First Baptist Church, <br />Everett H, Kennedy, repreaentiag the Christian Buainesamen~s Club and <br />Dalton Loftin. <br />Chairman Bennett requested that if any Berson present wished to speak <br />in opposition of the proposed Ordinance that the floor was now open for their <br />remarks. <br />Chairman Hennett recognized James Johnson, III, Attorney at Lau, Chapel Hill, <br />North Carolina. Mr. Johnson sited that the U, S, Supreme Court in Stanley vs. <br />Joyce had ruled that this tyve of Ordinance violated the first and fourteenth <br />amendments to the Constitution. That the North Carolina Legislature is currently <br />aonaidering an obscenity ordinance that iP adopted would make the Orange Couaty <br />Ordinance unneoessary and that there were North Carolina statutes that would <br />close any place oP business if it became a public nusiance. <br />The County Attorney questioned Mr. Johnson relative to the Stanley vs. <br />Joyce ruling. It was stated that this case was principally concerned with the <br />distribution of obsaena photographs. <br />No other persons came forth to speak against the proposed Ordinance. <br />No action was taken on the matter. <br />Chairman Bennett recognized Quention Patterson, Soil Conservation Agent. <br />Discussion ensued relative to the publishing of a recreation broohure and the <br />Board decided to take the matter under adviaemant. <br />There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was <br />adjourned. <br />Harvey D. Bennett, Chairman <br />S. M. Gattis, Acting Clerk <br />MINUTES OF THE ORA+~E COUNTX <br />BOARp OF COMMISSIONERS <br />May 2la., 1971 <br />The Orange County Bosrd of Commisafonera met in adjourned aesaioa as the <br />Board of Equalization and Review on Monday, May 2l~., 1971, in the Commissioners <br />Room at the Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina at 8:00 o~clock P.M. <br />Members Present: Chairman Harvey D. Bennett and Commissioners William C <br />Ray, Henry S. Walker, Ira A. Ward sad Norman Walker. <br />Members Absent: None <br />The oath of office as members of the Board of Equalization and Revfew was <br />administered and the meeting was then called to order. <br />Chairman Bennett recognized J. Randolph Seger, owner oP Town House <br />Apartments. Mr. Seger Piled a written report. He stated that he had recently <br />~- purchased the Town House Apartments at a coat of $1,0!}5,000.00 and that the <br />tax appraisal wee currently $1,13L4i690.00 and that he felt that the tax <br />aapraisal should be $680,000.00. The Board advised Mr. Seger that they would <br />inveatl.gate the matter. <br />