Orange County NC Website
<br />1.'?"JTES OF Tf~+ BOARD OF COt+7.:ISSICN~tS-IN ADJ07r'RNED SESSION.LiONDAY <br />n nnrram .=_1 <br />The 8oard~I-met in ad3 Darned session on lronday Night,August I6th at 7.30.P.7L„present Com <br />sioners~.H Hanner.S,A Nathan and Carl T Durhald, <br />i <br />Letters from c'r C.h yindsay,requestiZiig th<et the assb~•sments .made by the I937~Supervisors <br />on his pr erty in Orange be lowere~ were-carefull nsidered,but after comparing said ea- <br />tate with values of ad.,fiacent properties no reductions were made, <br />The requea~ of Nr.J.jam ':rite for a reduction in the values of a lot belonging to the W,E <br />'c+hite Estate on No IO Hi~hway,in Cheeks Township, and on two tracts of land in Cedar Grove <br />Township bielonging to the s-id estate were carefullY~onaidered, and a full comparison made <br />of the valp;ea of the adjoining properties, and no reductions are allowed. <br />A petitiozfI from Dr ,C has E ~faddry for reductions on tvvo.parcela of land in C'gpel Hill- <br />.-. Township,tb-wit. The farm known as the B.H Griffin farm,this land listed as 78 acres at <br />~780.OC, over to be only 63 acres and t~;t valuaticn is fixed at ~630.OO,but on the lot <br />on Hillsbo o Street in the Town of Carboro listed at v'"pI050.00 ,no reduction is allowed. <br />A letter f om Dr.S.H Hobbs asking that his lot on Pittsboro Street in the Town of Chapel ', <br />Hill „ be r dated frcm~4250 00 to p4000.OC' after comparing all of the ad~cining and like ~, <br />property i, is ordered that a reduction of X250.00 be slowed. <br />;Jessrs.0. Crabtree and Bruce Strowd,msmbers of the Public Welfare Board of Orange Bounty <br />and 'w,T 1: tox,Orange County t~elfare Supt, appeared before the Board and asked that the- <br />. ~mousrt in (the R'elfare Budget be red bred to the original figure for the Adminiatration,to <br />al?ow three Case wcrkers,Commisaioner S.A Nathan moved tha, the Welfare Budget he left as <br />Tentativel approved at the last mec~ing,and to allow a Salary of X70.00 per month for the <br />heAd Offic wcrker,and °.50 .00 per month fcr a 3tenographer.This motion received no sec- <br />~ ~ and audit of carried.Commissfoner Durham moved that the Welfare Budget,as hertafare Tent- <br />; alively ap~roved be increased by the amount of~6I7.0I,on the condition that a third base <br />- worker tie employed at a salary not to exceed ~"I200.OO;,pez',year, and that the salary of tr <br />Head Office worker does not exceed w"80.00 per mcath.This being seconded by Commissioner <br />Harmer was passed-Commissioner Nathan Voting N0. <br />Upon motio of Commiss'.oner Durham duly seconded by Commissioner Nathanand tmanimcusiy - <br />adppted al members vcting in the aYfirmative, the following appropriations resolution <br />is adopted That~Orange Ccunty appypp_-late for its Budget for the fiscal year beginning- <br />July Ist I~37 and ending June the =0th I938, the fcllowing amount::,towftz <br />For the General C ounty Fund tge sum of X28.090.00 <br />For the County Debt Service the sum of 35.672.50 <br />For the 8alar~ Fund the sum oY I9.gS~.00• <br />For the ~Schoal Current Expense Fund the sum of I7.976,79 <br />For the Capital Outlay Fund the sum of 25.925.90 <br />For the xYool Debt Service Fund the sum of 37.237.93 <br />~~~~ <br />On motion of Commissioner*Durham seconded by Commissioner ~+~r~^ , and <br />passed,(Comr.•isaioner Nathan Voting No) the sum oY ~26.424,02,3s hereby <br />appropriated for the R'elfare FU.nd~In making tY3s appropriation it fe <br />understo~,d that A85.955,98 of State and Federal;Funds,are to be spent . <br />in this County for the purposes enumerated in the County Welfare Budget, <br />;While the amount of~I9.980.00 dollars is hereby appropriated for the Sal- <br />ary Fund,this amount will be derived by receipts from eommisaions and fees, <br />of the various Offices and a supplement of X5.735,68 from the General-- <br />Fund. <br />CONTINET°D-NE.~:T PAGE <br />