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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: November 19, 2002 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. --~~ -~1-- <br />SUBJECT• Bid Award Meadowmont Recycling Area <br />DEPARTMENT: Purchasing/Solid Waste PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Pam Jones, 245-2652 <br />Bid Tabulation Gayle Wilson, 968-2885 <br />TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br />Hillsborough 732-8181 <br />Chapel Hill 968-4501 <br />Durham 688-7331 <br />Mebane 336-227-2031 <br />PURPOSE: To consider awarding a bid for construction of the recycling site at Meadowmont. <br />BACKGROUND: During the development of the Meadowmont project, Solid Waste Management <br />staff worked with the Town of Chapel Hill to ensure that adequate recycling facilities were available for <br />the residents of the area. In November of 1999, the Solid Waste Department offered its opinion on <br />the site specifications with both the Town of Chapel Hill and East-West Partners, the developer of <br />Meadowmont, on the proposed recycling site. In January 2000, the Solid Waste Department agreed <br />to the proposals between the Town of Chapel Hill and East-West Partners on the easement rights <br />and deed to the property, and the Solid Waste Management Plan was approved in February 2000. In <br />the winter of 2001, construction of the Harris Teeter grocery store started and, as part of that project, <br />the developer installed the curb and gutter and the surrounding screening fence for the recycling site. <br />The rock for the base of the site was installed in March 2002, and a chain link fence was installed to <br />keep traffic off of the site until construction could be started on the pad. On March 11, 2002, the <br />Chapel Hill Planning Department was notified that the East-West Partners had fulfilled all of its <br />obligatory improvements related to the recycling site. <br />The recycling area will be located behind the Harris Teeter grocery store at the corner of East Barbee <br />Chapel Road and Meadowmont Lane in Chapel Hill. The project will consist of the removal of the <br />chain link fence, installation of 4,800 square feet of concrete, and the installation of 31 bollards. Staff <br />will coordinate with the developer to ensure that the fencing that is removed is used elsewhere at <br />Meadowmont, reused by the County's Solid Waste Management Department, or appropriately <br />recycled as scrap metal if it is not in reusable condition. <br />Bid specifications were developed by the staff that met the County's needs. Bids were solicited from <br />six vendors and advertised on the Purchasing Department's website on Orange County Bid Number <br />1292. One vendor attended apre-bid conference held for this project. Four companies responded <br />with bids. Pursuant to the attached bid tabulation, C.J. Maclsaac Construction of Eden, North <br />Carolina submitted the lowest responsible bid that was responsive at a cost of $24,900.00. <br />