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1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: October 10, 2023 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 5 <br /> SUBJECT: Discussion on the County's Participation in Mayors, Managers, Chair (MMC) <br /> Meetings <br /> DEPARTMENT: County Manager <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> A. Excerpt of Minutes from the 2016 <br /> Assembly of Governments Meeting Travis Myren, 919-245-2308 <br /> B. MMC Meeting Notes for the Last <br /> Twelve (12) Months <br /> PURPOSE: To discuss the County's participation in multijurisdictional Mayors, Managers, Chair <br /> (MMC) meetings. <br /> BACKGROUND: In most years, the County and the Towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and <br /> Hillsborough hold a joint meeting called the Assembly of Governments meeting. In 2016, one of <br /> the agenda topics was an update on the Greene Tract. As part of an effort to advance progress <br /> on the development of the Greene Tract, the group discussed the creation of a Task Force to <br /> provide recommendations on the development of the property for affordable housing, a school <br /> site, and other potential uses. A history of the Greene Tract and related agreements and past <br /> planning activity is available here. <br /> Discussion during the 2016 Assembly of Governments meeting included the possible creation of <br /> a public task force to recommend potential uses for the Greene Tract. Another suggestion <br /> involved the creation of a task force made up of the Mayors from Carrboro and Chapel Hill, the <br /> Chair of the Board of Commissioners, and the Managers from each participating jurisdiction. A <br /> final suggestion was that the managers for each jurisdiction create a proposal for governing board <br /> review. Ultimately, discussion on the topic ended with the suggestion that a starting point would <br /> be a meeting of the Mayors, Managers, and Chair (Attachment A). There was no action taken at <br /> the Assembly of Governments meeting to create a task force, and none of the participating <br /> jurisdictions took formal action at a later date to create a task force. In fact, the Mayors and Chair <br /> may have met informally prior to 2016 to discuss policy matters of mutual interest or to set <br /> agendas for joint meetings. <br /> The only agenda item that the Board of Commissioners adopted that referenced the Mayors, <br /> Managers, and Chair assemblage was the 2021 Greene Tract Interlocal Agreement. This <br /> Agreement assigned the Mayors, Managers, and Chair to " the representatives of the Parties <br />