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Delegation of Authority per NCGS 105-381 INFORMATION ITEM - RELEASES AND REFUNDS UNDER$100 <br /> To Finance Officer MAY 2,2023 <br /> ACCOUNT BILLING ORIGINAL ADJUSTED FINANCIAL TAX Approved by Submitted to <br /> NAME NUMBER YEAR VALUE VALUE TAX FEE IMPACT REASON FOR ADJUSTMENT CLASSIFICATION ACTION CFO Additional Explanation CFO CLERK DATE <br /> Anderson,Wendy 70656960 2022 3,910 0 63.29 $30.00 (93.29) County changed to Durham(illegal tax) RMV-VTS Approve 4/17/2023 4/17/2023 DMM 03/30/2023 <br /> Collins,Charles 67881603 2021 200 200 1.50 (1.50) *Situs error(illegal tax) RMV-VTS Approve 4/17/2023 4/17/2023 JMM 03/30/2023 <br /> Collins,Charles 67881604 2021 1,550 1,550 11.08 $30.00 (41.08) *Situs error(illegal tax) RMV-VTS Approve 4/17/2023 4/17/2023 JMM 03/30/2023 <br /> Long,Alvis Lee 70952355 2022 12,280 12,280 88.84 $30.00 (118.84) *Situs error(illegal tax) RMV-VTS Approve 4/17/2023 4/17/2023 DMM 04/04/2023 <br /> Smith,Colin Travis 3206574 2023 5,430 5,430 24.54 (24.54) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 03/30/2023 Gap Bill: Vehicle registered in P 03/30/2023 KLW 03/29/2023 <br /> UCUM Camp&Retreat Ministries 3204140 2022 1,290 0 11.66 (11.66) Assessed in error(illegal tax) Personal Approve 4/17/2023 Gap Bill:Property is exempt 4/17/2023 DG 06/30/2023 <br /> $ (290.91)Total <br /> *Situs error:An incorrect rate code was used to calculate bill.Value remains constant but bill amount changes due to the chane in specific tax rates applied to that physical location. <br /> Gap Bill:A property tax bill that covers the months between the expiration of a vehicle'sre istration and the renewal of that registration or the issuance of anew registration. <br /> The spreadsheet represents the financial impact that approval of the requested release or refund would have on the principal amount of taxes. <br /> Approval of the release or refund of the principal tax amount also constitutes approval of the release or refund of all associated interest penalties,fees and costs appurtenant to the released or refunded principal tax amount. <br /> March 16,2023 thru April 12,2023 1 <br />