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Attachment 8 <br /> $[ 1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA <br /> LIMITED OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 2021A <br /> TAXABLE LIMITED OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2021B <br /> BOND PURCHASE AGREEMENT <br /> June [_],2021 <br /> Orange County,North Carolina <br /> Hillsborough,North Carolina <br /> Ladies and Gentlemen: <br /> The undersigned,FHN Financial Capital Markets("FHN")on its own behalf and as representative <br /> of Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated (together, the "Underwriters"), offers to enter into the following <br /> purchase agreement (this "Bond Purchase Agreement") with Orange County, North Carolina (the <br /> "County"), which, upon the County's acceptance of this offer, will be binding upon the County and the <br /> Underwriters. This offer is made subject to the County's acceptance of this Bond Purchase Agreement, <br /> which acceptance shall be evidenced by the execution and delivery(manually or by facsimile transmission) <br /> of this Bond Purchase Agreement by a duly authorized officer of the County on or before 12:00 P.M., <br /> Eastern Time, on the date hereof. Upon such acceptance, execution and delivery, this Bond Purchase <br /> Agreement shall be in full force and effect in accordance with its terms and shall be binding upon the <br /> County and the Underwriters. Except as expressly otherwise defined herein, capitalized terms used herein <br /> shall have the same meanings as set forth in the Preliminary Official Statement(as defined below). <br /> (1) Purchase and Sale. (a) Upon the terms and conditions and based on the representations, <br /> warranties and covenants hereinafter set forth,the Underwriters hereby agree to purchase from the County, <br /> and the County hereby agrees to sell to the Underwriters, all (but not less than all) of the $[� <br /> aggregate principal amount of the County's Limited Obligation Bonds,Series 2021A(the"2021A Bonds") <br /> and the $[ ] aggregate principal amount of the County's Taxable Limited Obligation Refunding <br /> Bonds, Series 2021B (the "2021B Bonds" and, together with the 2021A Bonds, the "Bonds"), dated the <br /> date of payment for and the delivery of the Bonds (such payment and delivery being herein sometimes <br /> called the "Closing"). The purchase price for the 2021A Bonds shall be $[ ] (representing the <br /> principal amount of the 2021A Bonds,plus/less [net] original issue premium/discount of$[ ],and <br /> less underwriters' discount of $[ ]) and the purchase price for the 2021B Bonds shall be <br /> $[ ] (representing the principal amount of the 2021B Bonds, plus/less [net] original issue <br /> premium/discount of $[ ], and less underwriters' discount of $[ ) (collectively, the <br /> "Purchase Price"). The Underwriters shall pay the Purchase Price for the Bonds on the day of the Closing <br /> by wiring$[ �, at the County's direction,to the Trustee(as defined below). <br /> (b) The Bonds shall be issued and secured under and pursuant to a Trust Agreement <br /> dated as of June 1,2021 (the"Trust Agreement"),between the County and The Bank of New York Mellon <br /> Trust Company, N.A., as trustee (the "Trustee"). The County is authorized pursuant to Section 20 of <br /> Chapter 160A of the General Statutes of North Carolina(the"Act"),to issue the Bonds for the purpose of <br /> providing funds to the County to (i) acquire, construct, equip and otherwise improve a variety of County <br /> facilities and assets, (ii)refund the Refunded Obligations and(iii)pay certain costs incurred in connection <br /> with the sale and issuance of the Bonds. The County's issuance of the Bonds has been authorized by a <br /> resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on May 18, 2021 (the "Approving <br />