Agenda - 05-15-2007-6c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-15-2007
Agenda - 05-15-2007-6c
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S Purchasing - Bordeaux Construction Inc Justice Facility Expansion
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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: May 15, 2007 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. ~p ~- G _ <br />SUBJECT: Justice Facility Expansion Bid Award and Contract Approval <br />DEPARTMENT: Purchasing and Budget PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />Bid Tabulation <br />Value Engineering Schedule <br />Letter from DeVere Construction Co. <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Pam Jones, Purchasing 919 245-2652 <br />Donna Coffey, Budget 919 245-2151 <br />PURPOSE: To consider awarding a bid and approving a contract with Bordeaux Construction, <br />Inc., Durham, NC for the 40,227 square foot new construction and renovation of the Orange <br />County Justice Facility; and to approve the withdrawal of a bid without forfeiture of <br />accompanying bid bond from DeVere Construction Company, pursuant to NC GS 143-129.1. <br />BACKGROUND: Bids were received for the Justice Facilities Expansion project on February <br />22, 2007, with Bordeaux Construction, Inc. submitting the lowest responsible bid that was <br />responsive. <br />As a reminder, the project consists of three major components: <br />• An addition to the existing courthouse, as well as some limited renovations to some areas <br />within the existing courthouse. This portion of the project also includes the construction <br />of amulti-purpose pavilion that will be~ situated on Margaret Lane and will serve as a <br />transit stop and public information area; and <br />• Construction of a public market house for use as a farmer's market. This portion of the <br />project also includes the addition of remote restroom facilities adjacent to the existing <br />Sheriff's office to serve the Market and park areas; and <br />• Construction of some trails and limited low impact recreation areas in the River Park. <br />Since the bid opening, County staff has collaborated with the project team, including Corley <br />Redfoot Zack (architect), Jeff Thompson (contract project manager) and the proposed <br />contractor to identify value engineering (VE) elements that would reduce the project cost without <br />overall adverse impact on project outcome. The identified VE elements are listed on the <br />attached schedule. <br />The facility expansion project includes several sustainable design elements that are integrated <br />into the design of the facility, including but not limited to, significant daylighting strategies and a <br />geothermal heating system for the new and existing portions of the building. The rainwater <br />collection system for the building was bid as an alternate; however, it is not recommended for <br />award due to the significant construction cost ($142,870) and the significant payback period. <br />Funding beyond that contemplated in this abstract would be required should the Board choose <br />to include the rainwater collection system in the project. <br />
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